Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 28, 2012; 18(16): 1933-1939
Published online Apr 28, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i16.1933
Table 1 Criteria for transarterial chemoembolization resistance
The evaluation was performed on the day of TACE and 1 mo after the TACE; the following were observed at least two times
Staining with the injected agent (lipiodol-anticancer agent emulsion) was considered insufficient with evaluation CT [the occupation rate was less than 50% of lesion(s)]
Appearance of multiple new recurrent lesions on the evaluation CT
Appearance of vessel invasion after TACE
Appearance of distal metastasis after TACE
Persistent elevation of tumor marker(s) regardless of TACE
Table 2 Comparison of the patient characteristics in the two groups prior to hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy n (%)
Group AGroup BPvalue
Age (yr)66.6 ± 6.965.5 ± 7.3NS (P = 0.635)
Male/female20 (87)/3 (13)15 (79)/4 (21)NS (P = 0.488)
Etiology of LC
HCV13 (57)11 (58)NS (P = 0.070)
HBV2 (9)6 (32)
HCV + HBV0 (0)1 (5)
Alcohol4 (17)0 (0)
NonB-nonC4 (17)1 (5)
Albumin (g/dL)3.6 ± 0.63.5 ± 0.6NS (P = 0.503)
Total bilirubin (mg/dL)1.1 ± 0.71.3 ± 0.5NS (P = 0.397)
PT (INR)1.19 ± 0.131.17 ± 0.10NS (P = 0.607)
AST (U/L)64 ± 3379 ± 51NS (P = 0.256)
ALT (U/L)47 ± 3053 ± 38NS (P = 0.569)
GGT (U/L)155 ± 16976 ± 76NS (P = 0.067)
WBC (/μL)4600 ± 14004400 ± 900NS (P = 0.431)
Hb (g/dL)13.1 ± 2.012.8 ± 1.0NS (P = 0.521)
Plt (× 104/μL)14.3 ± 6.512.1 ± 5.8NS (P = 0.262)
AFP (median, ng/mL)75503116NS (P = 0.434)
DCP (median, mAU/mL)123143363NS (P = 0.159)
A/B12 (52)/11 (48)6 (32)/13 (68)NS (P = 0.219)
Child-Pugh score6.8 ± 1.77.1 ± 1.4NS (P = 0.582)
Number of tumor (s)
≤ 5/6-10/> 105 (22)/7 (30) /11 (48)5 (26)/8 (42) /6 (32)NS (P = 0.515)
Size of the largest tumor (cm)7.3 ± 5.23.8 ± 1.3P = 0.008
Vessel invasion
presence/absence12 (52)/11 (48)7 (37)/12 (63)NS (P = 0.320)
Clinical stage
I/II/III/IVA0 (0)/0 (0)/ 11 (48)/12 (52)0 (0)/0 (0)/ 13 (68)/6 (32)NS (P = 0.180)
Duration of treatment received prior to HAIC (mo)16.3 ± 20.736.2 ± 21.5P = 0.004
Previous number of TACE session (s)0.9 ± 0.64.5 ± 1.8P < 0.0001
HAIC regimens
5-FU, cisplatin8 (35)7 (37)NS (P = 0.923)
5-FU, natural IFN-α4 (17)4 (21)
5-FU, PEG-IFN-α2b11 (48)8 (42)
Table 3 Multivariate analysis (Cox proportional hazards regression model) to identify factors influencing the survival
Odds ratio95% CIPvalue
Age > 66 (yr)0.2840.077-1.044NS (P = 0.058)
Gender: female3.9950.704-22.662NS (P = 0.118)
Resistance to TACE8.2641.770-38.461P = 0.007
AFP > 200 (ng/mL)0.3850.121-1.230NS (P = 0.107)
DCP > 200 (mAU/mL)1.1810.218-6.390NS (P = 0.847)
Albumin > 3.5 (g/dL)0.0120.001-0.181P = 0.001
Total bilirubin > 1.0 (mg/dL)4.0001.004-15.933P = 0.049
PT (INR) > 1.200.4900.155-1.551NS (P = 0.225)
ALT > 50 (U/L)1.2290.378-3.999NS (P = 0.732)
Plt > 15.0 (× 104/μL)1.2510.330-4.736NS (P = 0.742)
Number of tumors > 60.4030.090-1.794NS (P = 0.233)
Size of the largest tumor > 5.0 cm0.9130.215-3.884NS (P = 0.902)
Clinical stage: IVA13.8001.638-116.257P = 0.016
Response to HAIC: CR, PR0.0240.004-0.160P = 0.0001
Child-Pugh: B0.2510.019-3.307NS (P = 0.293)
Hepatic encephalopathy: presence0.6430.123-3.347NS (P = 0.599)
Ascites: presence3.4710.835-14.419NS (P = 0.087)