Copyright ©2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Dec 21, 2009; 15(47): 5907-5915
Published online Dec 21, 2009. doi: 10.3748/wjg.15.5907
Table 1 Colorectal cancer incidence in European countries in 2006
Countries with the highest incidence> 70/100 000 men (ASR-E): Hungary (106), Czech Republic (94.4), Slovakia (87.1), Switzerland (79.1), Germany (70.2)
> 45/100 000 women (ASR-E): Switzerland (55.6), Norway (51.2), Hungary (50.6), Denmark (48), Czech Republic (46), Germany (45.1)
Countries with the lowest incidence< 40/100 000 men (ASR-E): Albania (13.6), Greece (31), Bosnia Herzegovina (34.6), Republic of Moldova (38.7), Finland (39.2)
< 26/100 000 women (ASR-E): Greece (21.3), Albania (21.4), Romania (25.1), Spain (25.4)
Table 2 Colorectal cancer mortality in European countries in 2006
Countries with the highest mortality> 40/100 000 men (ASR-E): Hungary (54.4), Czech Republic (51), Slovakia (43.3), Croatia (40.7)
> 20/100 000 women (ASR-E): Hungary (26.7), Slovakia (24.4), Czech Republic (24.1), Denmark (24.1), Norway (21.4)
Countries with the lowest mortality< 20/100 000 men (ASR-E): Albania (7.3), Greece (15.5), Finland (17.9), Switzerland (19.1), Cyprus (19.3), Bosnia Herzegovina (19.5)
< 12/100 000 women (ASR-E): Albania (9.9), Greece (10.8), Finland (11.3), Switzerland (11.6)
Table 3 Epidemiology of colorectal cancer in the Europe (96 individual cancer registries, 1998-2002)
Parameter incidenceSexC18-C21Individual diagnoses
Crude incidence (cases/100.000 inhabitants)Men63.937.126.00.8
Mean age (yr)Men69.169.768.265.4
Ratio (males: females) (based on No. of cases)1.1:11.0:11.4:10.6:1
Table 4 Five-year relative survival rate (RSR) for colorectal cancer for selected European countries
CountryDiagnosesAssessment periodFive-year RSR (%)Change in time (%)Stage-specific estimates
EUROCARE pool[7]C18-C211995-199953.54.2NA
EUROCARE pool[8]C18-C212000-200256.2NANA
England & Wales[10,11]C181996-199947.6 M; 47.4 F5.6 M; 5.6 FNA
C19-C201996-199948.7 M; 51.3 F7.4 M; 8.1 FNA
Germany[12]C18-C212000-200260.8NA85.4 L; 58.1 R; 10.7 M
Sweden[16]C182000-200258.1 M; 59.7 F1.8 M; 2.6 FNA
C19-C212000-200257.5 M; 59.1 F2.5 M; -1.7 FNA
Table 5 Screening methods
Type of methodMethod
Stool testsFor presence of occult blood (FOBT)
Guaiac-based (gFOBT)
Immunochemical (iFOBT)
For presence of abnormal DNA
Endoscopic examinationsFlexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) colonoscopy
Radiologic examinationsComputed tomographic colonography (CTC)
Double contrast barium enema (DCBE)
Table 6 Colorectal cancer screening programs in 2007
Test typeScreening interval years or times in LTAge eligible national population
TypeStatusAge (yr)Persons (× 1000)
AustriaNonPBNatwFOBT1 or 2> 502210
NonPBNatwCS10> 502210
BelgiumNo Prog2880
BulgariaNonPBNatwFOBT1> 312340
CyprusPBNatw-planFOBT1 in LT5010
PBNatw-planCS1 in LT5510
Czech RepublicNonPBNatwFOBT2> 503010
DenmarkNo Prog1540
EstoniaNo Prog370
FinlandPBNatw-roll ongFOBT260-69570
FrancePBNatw-roll ongFOBT250-7416 600
GermanyNonPBNatwFOBT1 and 2> 5024 500
NonPBNatwCS10 (2 in LT)55-7418 800
GreeceNonPBNatwFOBT5> 503180
NonPBNatwCS5> 503180
IrelandNo Prog940
ItalyPBNatw-roll ongFOBT250-69 (70-75)13 800
PBReg-roll ongFS1 in LT58 or 6080
LatviaNonPBNatwFOBT1> 50630
LithuaniaNo Prog870
LuxembourgNo Prog120
MaltaNo Prog120
NetherlandsNo Prog4460
PolandPBNatw-roll ongCS1050-657500
Slovak RepublicNonPBNatwFOBT> 501360
NonPBNatw-planCS10> 501360
UKPBNatw-roll ongFOBT2(50) 60-69 (74)7600
Dual prog/test-25 630
Subtotal106 490
Excluded pop.29 500
Total135 990
Table 7 Cascade concept
LevelAverage riskHigh risk
1Colonoscopy in 10 years interval, from 50 years of ageSpecial procedure, for individual groups
2Colonoscopy once in a lifetime, at 50 years of ageSpecial procedure, for individual groups
3Flexible sigmoidoscopy in 5 years interval, from 50 years of age; colonoscopy to follow if positiveSpecial procedure, for individual groups
4Flexible sigmoidoscopy once in a lifetime, at 50 years of age; colonoscopy to follow if positiveSpecial procedure, for individual groups
5Flexible sigmoidoscopy once in a lifetime, at 50 years of age; colonoscopy to follow only if advanced adenoma is detectedSame as individuals with average risk, if resources are not available for colonoscopy
6FOBT in annual interval after 50 years of age; if positively tested, colonoscopy or double contrast barium enemaSame as individuals with average risk, if resources are not available for colonoscopy