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Copyright ©2008 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Dec 21, 2008; 14(47): 7225-7230
Published online Dec 21, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.7225
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of patients at baseline (mean ± SE)
No. of patients120
Sex, n (%)
Male70 (58.3)
Female50 (41.7)
Age (median, range, yr)54.8 ± 0.98 (56, 27-75)
Male54.1 ± 1.39 (55.5, 29-72)
Female   55.8 ± 1.33 (56, 27-75)
Weight62.1 ± 1.09 (61.4, 35.0-99.8)
Body mass index (median, range, kg)23.7 ± 0.32 (23.6, 14.6-34.1)
Viral load (kIU kirocopies/mL)1510 (120->5000)
ALT (median, range, IU/L)89.4 ± 7.39 (67, 18-636)
WBC (median, range, /μL)5083 ± 136.6 (4900, 2400-9000)
Hemoglobin (median, range, g/dL)14.4 ± 0.12 (14.1, 11.8-17.2)
Platelet (median, range, × 103/μL)163.1 ± 4.71 (162.5, 8.1-33.2)
Interferon treatment history, n (%)
Present41 (34.2)
Absent77 (64.2)
Unknown2 (1.6)
Table 2 Univariate analysis of association between sustained virological response (SVR) and influential factors (mean ± SE)
FactorSVR patients (n = 53)Non-SVR patients (n = 67)P
Parameters before interferon treatment
Age (yr)52.5 ± 1.5056.5 ± 1.260.0481
Sex (Male:Female)35:1835:320.1402
Body mass index23.6 ± 0.4823.8 ± 0.440.3611
Viral load (kirocopies/mL, median)150018000.1963
ALT (IU/L) 108.4 ± 13.874.5 ± 7.040.0478
WBC (/μL) 5227 ± 201 4967 ± 1860.2880
Hemoglobin (g/dL)14.5 ± 0.1814.3 ± 0.160.2352
Platelet (× 103/μL) 173 ± 7.7 155 ± 5.70.0630
Parameters associated with treatment
EVR42/51 (82.4%)13/59 (22.0%)< 0.0001
Cumulative exposure to peg-IFN
12 wk (≥ 80%/< 80%)38/41 (92.7%)41/69 (68.3%)0.0034
Overall (≥ 80%/< 80%)35/41 (85.4%)29/60 (48.3%)0.0001
Cumulative exposure to RBV
12 wk (≥ 80%/< 80%) 41/50 (82%)44/63 (69.8%)0.1882
Overall (≥ 80%/< 80%) 32/50 (64%)25/63 (39.7%)0.0138
Table 3 Multivariate analysis of association between sustained virological response and influential factors
FactorCoefficientχ2Odds ratio (95% CI)P
EVR (not achieved)-2.72519.3250.066 (0.019-0.221)< 0.0001
Cumulative exposure to peg-IFN
Overall (≥ 80%)2.3926.60010.934 (1.763-67.82)0.0102
Table 4 Univariate analysis of association between sustained virological response (SVR) and influential factors (mean ± SE)
FactorSVR patients (n = 20)Non-SVR patients (n = 37)P
Parameters before interferon treatment
Age (yr)64.0 ± 0.7163.8 ± 0.730.6637
Sex (male:female)16:418:190.0262
Body mass index23.3 ± 0.5623.6 ± 0.530.3973
Viral load (kirocopies/mL)150018000.3616
ALT (IU/L) 94.5 ± 31.176.6 ± 11.00.3038
WBC (/μL) 5119 ± 313 4832 ± 2230.3798
Hemoglobin (g/dL)14.1 ± 0.2314.1 ± 0.190.8473
Platelet (× 103/μL)  173 ± 12.4 151 ± 7.90.1434
Parameters associated with treatment
EVR13/18 (72.2%)     7/32 (21.9%)0.0008
Cumulative exposure to peg-IFN
12 wk (≥ 80%/< 80%)16/17 (94.1%)20/33 (60.6%)0.0183
Overall (≥ 80%/< 80%)15/17 (88.2%)14/33 (42.4%)0.0023
Cumulative exposure to RBV
12 wk (≥ 80%/< 80%) 14/20 (70%)20/34 (58.8%)0.5612
Overall (≥ 80%/< 80%) 8/20 (40%) 13/34 (38.2%)> 0.9999