Clinical Research
Copyright ©2008 The WJG Press and Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 21, 2008; 14(11): 1768-1773
Published online Mar 21, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.1768
Table 1 Clinical characteristics of patients with S. stercoralis hyperinfection
Case No.Age/GenderPresenting symptoms and/or illnessImmunosuppressive stateDiagnosisTreatmentOutcome
151/MMeningitis, GI bleedingAlcoholismDuodenal biopsy, stoolTBZCured
380/MSepsis, meningitisHTLV-1, corticosteroidsDuodenal biopsy, stool, sputum, gastroduodenal drainageTBZCured
438/MAbdominal painHTLV-1Duodenal biopsy, stoolTBZCured
558/FSepsis, diarrhea, pneumoniaCorticosteroidsSputumIVMDead
686/FVomiting, weight lossHTLV-1, DMDuodenal biopsy, stool, sputumIVMCured
731/FSBO, abdominal pain, vomitingHTLV-1, alcoholismDuodenal biopsy, stool, gastroduodenal drainageTBZCured
858/FVomiting, weight lossHTLV-1Duodenal biopsy, gastroduodenal drainageIVMCured
962/MMeningitis, diarrheaHTLV-1, DMDuodenal biopsy, gastroduodenal drainageTBZCured
1073/FAbdominal painHTLV-1, liver cirrhosisStoolIVMCured
1158/MSBO, abdominal pain, vomitingHTLV-1, DMDuodenal biopsyIVM, TBZCured
1252/MSBO, abdominal pain, vomitingHTLV-1Duodenal biopsy, stool, gastroduodenal drainageTBZCured
1374/MDiarrhea, weight lossChronic renal failureStoolIVMCured
1466/FVomiting, diarrheaHTLV-1Duodenal biopsy, stoolTBZCured
1542/MSBO, abdominal pain, GI bleedingHTLV-1Duodenal biopsy, stoolIVM, TBZCured
1656/FVomiting, abdominal painHTLV-1Duodenal biopsy, gastroduodenal drainageTBZCured
1762/MSBO, abdominal pain, vomitingNoneStoolTBZCured
1880/MSBO, abdominal pain, vomitingAlcoholismStoolIVMCured
1982/MSBO, meningitis, pneumoniaDMStool, sputumIVMDead
2057/MDiarrhea, weight lossHTLV-1StoolIVMCured
2176/FVomiting, weight lossHTLV-1Duodenal biopsy, stoolTBZCured
2250/FSBO, abdominal pain, vomitingHTLV-1, corticosteroidsDuodenal biopsyIVMCured
2366/MVomiting, weight lossHTLV-1Duodenal biopsy, gastroduodenal drainageIVMCured
2471/MSepsis, diarrheaCorticosteroidsGastroduodenal drainageIVMCured
2574/FVomiting, diarrhea, weight lossHTLV-1Gastroduodenal drainage, stoolIVMCured
Table 2 Endoscopic and histopathological findings of the duodenum
Case No.Endoscopic findings of the duodenumHistopathologic detection of S. stercoralis in the duodenum
1Edema, erythema, erosion, hemorrhageLarvae
3Edema, white villi, erosionLarvae
4Edema, white villi, erythema, dilatationLarvae
5White villiND
6Edema, fine granuleLarvae
8Edema, erosion, stenosisLarvae
9Edema, white villiLarvae
11Edema, white villi, dilatationLarvae
12Edema, white villiLarvae
13White villi, erythemaNegative
14Edema, white villi, fine granuleLarvae
15Edema, erythema, ulcer, hemorrhage, pseudopolypsLarvae
16Edema, white villi, stenosisLarvae
17Edema, stenosisNegative
18White villi, erythema, erosionNegative
19Edema, ulcerNegative
21Edema, white villi, erosion, hemorrhageLarvae
22Edema, white villi, erosion, fine granule, stenosisLarvae
23Fine granule, dilatationLarvae
24Edema, white villi, erythemaNegative
Table 3 Reported endoscopic findings of the duodenum with strongyloidiasis in literature
AuthorsYearNo. of casesImmunosuppressive stateEndoscopic findings of the duodenum
Brasitus et al[3]19801NoneBrisk bleeding, deformed bulb
Milder et al[4]19812NDEnlarged folds
Bone et al[5]19821NDDeformed cap, obliterated second part
Bhatt et al[6]19901NoneMild erythema
Chen et al[7]19941CorticosteroidsFlattened folds, swelling mucosa, tiny ulcer
Choudhry et al[8]19953DM, noneMultiple serpiginous lesions, duodenal nodule
Hizawa et al[9]19961HTLV-1 and corticosteroidsEdema, tiny white spots
Friedenberg et al[10]19991HTLV-1Severe stenosis
Overstreet et al[11]20031HIVWhite punctate dotting mucosa
Asano et al[12]20041HTLV-1Fine granule, coarse mucosa, disappeared folds
Thompson et al[13]20046Corticosteroids, DM, HIV, noneEdema, brown discoloration, erythematous spots,
subepithelial hemorrhage, megaduodenum
Seet et al[14]20051Anti-myeloma drugsErythematous and granular mucosa
Karmo et al[15]20061CorticosteroidsNormal
Ghoshal et al[16]20061CorticosteroidsMultiple nodules
Werneck-Silva et al[17]20064NDErythema, erosion
Csermely et al[18]20061Anti-myeloma drugsNecrotic ulcerations
Suarez and Sanchez[19]200611NDSwollen folds of nodular aspect