Case Report
Copyright ©2007 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 7, 2007; 13(9): 1460-1465
Published online Mar 7, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i9.1460
Table 1 Gastrointestinal angiolipomas defined in literature
LiteratureLocalizationCase(age/sex)Polyp sizePolyp peduncleSymptomPreoperativediagnosticimagingmethods(exceptendoscopicprocedure)TherapyFollow-up(F/U)/recurrence
Jensen EH et al[9] 2006Esophagus85 yr/M39 mm x 25 mmPedunculated large polypA 2-mo dysphagia to solids foods, complete esophageal obstruction; had prolapsed to the level of the GE junctionCT , EUSAnterior esophagotomy, transsection of polyp using an endoscopic stapling device (open surgical excision)No F/U
DeRidder Ph et al[10] (1989)Stomach59 yr/M6 mmSubmucosal well demarcated massChronic occult GI bleedingLaparotomy- excision12 mo/No recurrence
McGregor DH et al[11] (1993)Stomach69 yr/M50 mm x 40 mm x 20 mmGastric submucosal mass on great curvature, without peduncleChronic hemorrhage and severe anemiaExploratory laparotomy, mass resection30 mo/No recurrence
Hunt J et al[12] (1996)Stomach27 yr/F80 mm x 55 mm x 45 mmLarge polypoid mass with large peduncleSuggestive of intussusception through the pylorus, acute GI hemorrhageExploratory laparotomy, distal partial gastrectomy, Billroth I gastric reconstruction, resection of polypnot given/ No recurrence
Mohl W et al[14] (2004)2Duodenum, ColonThe first was 66 yr/M, the second was 75 yr/F (2 pts with 1 duodenal and colonic A-L other duodenal A-Ls)1st-10 mm located near papilla of Vater, and colon 2nd-23 mm at the upper duodenal kneeBoth with peduncle1st acute, 2nd chronic GI bleeding Upper GI bleeding due to duodenal A-LEndoscopic snare polypectomy for 2 duodenal and for 1 colonic A-Lsnot given/ No recurrence
Jung IS et al[15] (2004)Duodenum60 yr/F35 mm x 4 mmWith peduncleDyspepsia for 6 moEUSEndoscopic polypectomyNo F/U
Kaneko T et al[16] (1996)1Meckel’s diverticulum accompanied A-LIntussusception
Ferrozzi F et al[3] (1998)IlealWith tuberous sclerosisCT
Manner M et al[17] (2001)Proximal ileum71 yr/F38 mmWith peduncleOccult bleeding, ileoileal intussusceptionUS, CTSmall bowel resection
Kwak HS et al[18] (2003)Small bowel/ proximal ileum75 yr/M30 mmIntraluminal lobulated polypoid mass with peduncleEpigastric discomfort, loss of appetite, weight lossEnteroclysis, MRISurgeryNo F/U
Aouad K et al[19] (2000)(Bauhin valve) ileocecal valveGastrointestinal hemorrhage
Kato K et al[20] (1999)1Ileocecal valve69 yr/M52 mm x 50 mm x 40 mmWithout peduncle, a submucosal smooth surface mass A-L3-d right lower quadrant abdominal painContrast enhanced abdominal CTLaparoscopy-assisted ileocecostomy, and a side-to- side anastomosis extracorporeally (a minimally invasive laparoscopic technique)5 yr/No recurrence
Saroglia G et al[21] (1996)Ileocecal valve55 yr/M55 mmSubmucousal massInvaginationBarium contrast graphySurgeryNo F/U
Vandamme J et al[22] (1964)Descending colon43 yr/M150 mm x 40 mmWith peduncleGI bleeding and non painful sub- obstruction by invaginationBarium contrast graphySurgery, colon resectionnot given/ No recurrence
Okuyama T et al[23] (2002)Sigmoid colon49 yr/M65 mm x 23 mmPedunculated polyp with smooth surfaceAsymptomatic, during routine exam positive fecal bloodDouble contrast enema, enhanced CTHemostatic clip and endoscopic electro- surgical polypectomyNo F/U
Chen YY et al[24] (2005)Transvers colon70 yr/M50 mmWith peduncleColonic obstructionUS, Abdominal CT, Colonic barium enema, colonoscopic examinationSurgical segmental resection2 yr/No recurrence
Kacar S et alRectum70 yr/F10 mmWith peduncleAsymptomatic-Polypectomy performed by endoscopic polypectomy snare6 mo/No recurrence Under F/U
Table 2 Histopathological findings of cases in literature
LiteratureHistopathological findings under light microscope
Jensen EH et al[9]A submucosal polypoid mass, consisting of benign lipomatous tissue mixed with vascular channels, consistent with benign angiolipoma
DeRidder et al[10]Submucosa contained a well demarcated nodule composed of flat, extending from the under surface of the muscularis mucosa to the deep margin of biopsy. There were separate, well developed small arteries and veins
McGregor D et al[11]A circumbscribed, lobular, pinkish-tan soft ovoid mass showing proliferation of mature adipose tissue and vascular tissue surrounded by a thin to focally thick fibrous capsule in the submucosa, no definite fibrin trombi
Hunt J et al[12]A solitary Peutz-Jeghers-type polyp showing typical glandular epithelium, overriding a 5 cm gastric angiolipoma
Mohl W et al[14]2 submucosal duodenal angiolipomas, one with large central vessel and one colonic angiolipoma
Yung IS et al[15]A submucosal lesion composed of mature adipose tissue and small vessels with fibrin thrombi within the vascular channels
Manner M et al[17]An angiolipoma with 20% vascular component and mucosal ulceration
Kwak HS et al[18]Mature, higly vascular adipose tissue consistent with angiolipoma
Kato K et al[20]A circumbscribed proliferation of mature adipose and vascular tissue surrounded by a thin to focally thick fibrous capsule in the submucosa, with fibrin thrombi in small capillaries
Saroglia G et al[21]Mature adipose and vascular tissue
Vandamme J et al[22]Angiolipoma with multiple small vessels and adipose tissue
Okuyama T et al[23]Encapsulated by a thin layer of connective tissue, arising in the submucosa and composed of mature adipose tissue and proliferating capillaries, many fibrin thrombi in capillary lumen
Chen YY et al[24]Encapsulated by a thin layer of connective tissue arising from the submucosa, histologically was comprised of mature adipose tissue and proliferative blood vessels
Kacar S et alProliferated submucosal blood vessels and mature adipose tissue. There was no fibrin thrombus