Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2004.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 15, 2004; 10(12): 1838-1840
Published online Jun 15, 2004. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v10.i12.1838
Table 1 Comparison of published reports of liver penetration by peptic ulcer
SourceAge/GenderEpigastric Pain/Main clinicalLocationEndoscopicNSAIDsTreatment
Martinez-onsurbe (10)91/Female-GI bleedingAnterior wallulcer??
of antrum
Guerrieri (9)53/Male-GI bleedingLesser curveulcer?Antiacids,Op (BII)
of antrum
Goldman (6)65/MaleTendernessNause,anemiaLesser curveulcer with mass?Op (BII)
of stomach
Park (4)52/Male-GI bleedingLesser curve ofgiant ulcer?H2RA
Sperber (3)69/MaleTendernessGI bleedingLesser curveulcer??
of corpus
Jimenez-Perez (2)61/MaleTendernessGI bleedingLesser curveulcer with?Op
of corpusmass
Castellano (11)77/Male-GI bleedingposterior wallulcer+Op (BII)
of duodenal bulb
Castellano (11)70/ MaleEpigastric painGI bleedingposterior wall ofulcer?Op (BII)
Matsuoka (12)53/MaleTendernessGI bleedingLesser curve of corpusgiant ulcer?H2RA,Op
Novacek (8)33/FemaleEpigastric painGI bleedingPosterior wall ofulcer+PPI,Op
duodenal bulb
PaddaS (5)78/Male-GI bleedingAnterior wall ofMass without+H2RA,Op
duodenal bulbulcer
Brullet (7)89/FemaleEpigastric PainGI bleedingAnterior wall ofulcer with mass?Op (BII)
gastric antrum
Mostbeck (13)53/MaleEpigastric pain-Anterior wall ofulcer??
duodenal bulb
Present case61/ Male-GI bleedingAnterior wall ofgiant ulcer-PPI
gastric antrum