Case Report
Copyright ©2008 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.
World J Gastroenterol. Sep 21, 2008; 14(35): 5478-5480
Published online Sep 21, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.5478
Acute pancreatitis successfully diagnosed by diffusion-weighted imaging: A case report
Satoshi Shinya, Takamitsu Sasaki, Yoshifumi Nakagawa, Zhang Guiquing, Fumio Yamamoto, Yuichi Yamashita
Satoshi Shinya, Takamitsu Sasaki, Yoshifumi Nakagawa, Zhang Guiquing, Fumio Yamamoto, Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Yamamoto Memorial Hospital, 88-4 Hachiyagarami, Nirimachi, Imari, Saga 848-0031, Japan
Satoshi Shinya, Takamitsu Sasaki, Yuichi Yamashita, Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Fukuoka University School of Medicine, Nanakuma 7-45-1, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka 814-0180, Japan
Author contributions: Shinya S wrote the paper and organized the figures and patient data; Sasaki T, Nakagawa Y, Guiquing Z and Yamamoto F helped write, organize and correct the paper; Yamashita Y supervised the writing and organization process.
Correspondence to: Satoshi Shinya, MD, Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Yamamoto Memorial Hospital, 88-4 Hachiyagarami, Nirimachi, Imari, Saga 848-0031, Japan.
Telephone: +81-955-23-2166 Fax: +81-955-22-4702
Received: October 10, 2007
Revised: January 12, 2008
Accepted: January 19, 2008
Published online: September 21, 2008
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