Clinical Research
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World J Gastroenterol. Apr 28, 2008; 14(16): 2501-2510
Published online Apr 28, 2008. doi: 10.3748/wjg.14.2501
Identification of osteopontin as the most consistently over-expressed gene in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Detection by oligonucleotide microarray and real-time PCR analysis
Holger G Hass, Oliver Nehls, Juergen Jobst, Andrea Frilling, Ulrich Vogel, Stephan Kaiser
Holger G Hass, Department of Oncology, Hematology and Palliative Care, Marien Hospital Stuttgart, Stuttgart 70199, Germany
Oliver Nehls, Department of Hematology, Oncology and Rheumatology, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen 72076, Germany
Juergen Jobst, Matrigene GmbH Company, Reutlingen, Reutlingen 72760, Germany
Andrea Frilling, Department of Abdominal and Transplant Surgery, University of Essen, Essen 45127, Germany
Ulrich Vogel, Department of Pathology, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen 72076, Germany
Stephan Kaiser, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectious Diseases, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen 72076, Germany
Author contributions: Hass HG and Nehls O contributed equally to this work; Hass HG, Jobst J, and Kaiser S designed the research; Hass HG and Jobst J performed the research; Frilling A contributed tumor probes and biopsies; Vogel U performed the pathological studies and immunohistochemistry staining experiments; Hass HG and Nehls O analyzed the data; and Hass HG and Kaiser S wrote the paper.
Correspondence to: Holger G Hass, Department of Oncology, Hematology and Palliative Care, Marien Hospital, Boeheim-Street 37, Stuttgart 70199, Germany.
Telephone: +49-711-64898101
Fax: +49-711-64898102
Received: October 22, 2007
Revised: February 18, 2008
Published online: April 28, 2008
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