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José Liberato Ferreira Caboclo was born in 1938 ,in Rio de Janeiro.He made All his studies in public Schools.He graduated in 1961,being distinguished as the First Placed Student of this class.He made de his postgraduation in The National School of Medicine,afiliated to Brazil University .In 1968 he got his PG-D title.In 1969-1970 he made his postdoctorated course in Karolinska Institut,Stockholm,Sweden.In the end of 1970,unmder militar dictartoshiphe was fired out os the Rio de Janeiro Medical School because he was a member of the Brazilian Comunist Party.He got the positino of Chairman of Surgery in the hinterland of S?o Paulo,Where there was a certain tolerance with comunists.However he was exiled more two times and was invited to work in the USA,through friendship with americans tha he got contact ,since these persons were fugitive from the Vitnan war,that is left liberals.In the USA was well received since never participated of terrorism.he was a hard reseacher,making good works.Withe the end of distatorship he reassumed his positiom in The FAMERP school of medicina where work,as an Emeritus Professor.