Born in Rome, Italy, 03/06/1948 Degree in Medicine at University La Sapienza, Rome, 1974. Postgraduate Specialization: Liver and Metabolic Diseases: 1976 Present academic position: Associate professor of Internal Medicine During 1983/84 he was senior research assistant at St Thomas Hospital in London (Prof. B Lewis) and in 1990 research fellow at Sunley Research Center in London (Prof. S Humphries). Scientific activity: (1) clinical, metabolic, nutritional and genetic aspects of lipoprotein metabolism abnormalities; (2) epidemiology, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases; and (3) treatment of liver diseases. During the 70s investigator of the Rome Project of Coronary Heart Disease Prevention. During the 80s he worked within the Targeted Projects of Preventive Medicine of the National Research Council and contributed to the first description of cardiovascular risk factor distribution in Italy. As principal investigator of the Rome Group for the Epidemiology and Prevention of Cholelithiasis, he described for the first time risk factors and natural history of gallstone disease. In the 90s he was responsible of the activities of community intervention on cardiovascular risk factors within the Di.S.Co. Project of CNR. More recently, he has been involved in studies on the inflammatory and protrombotic aspects of atherosclerosis, the metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver, obstructive sleep apnoea, diabetes and the clinical management of chronic hepatitis C. Further research interests have been oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction. He is author/co-author of 152 publications in peer-reviewed leading medical journals.