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With a medical degree in China, Zhaoshan Niu is an Associate Professor of Pathology at Medical College of Qingdao University, China. For nearly 30 years, he has been focusing his scientific interests on the topics related to Pathology of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). As an expert in Pathology of HCC, especially in the field of preplastic lesions of HCC, he, with the support of his team, has put forward a viewpoint based on their experiments that the liver hyperplastic nodule (LHN) is the preneoplastic lesion of HCC. He is also a technical expert in Pathology with rich experiences in pathological techniques, has been supervising the postgraduates from this school on pathological techniques in the course of their research projects,and invented a sensitive staining method on paraffin-embedded section for AgNORs - blue toning technique. He published a total of more than 20 research articles, two of which were published in World Journal of Gastroenterology (WJG) and have been cited sixty-seven times. He edited/reviewed for eight academic journals, and coordinated/participated in seven research projects, five of which are sponsored by the Shandong Provincial Government and two by the Qingdao Municipal Government. In addition, he was the Project Leader of five research projects at Qingdao University. He is rigorous and persistent in pursuit of his academic career.