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Number | Citing Articles |
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A. Bond, T. Conley, J. Fiske, V. Raymond, A. Young, P. Collins, M. Dibb, P.J. Smith. Reducing 30-day post gastrostomy insertion mortality with a feeding issues multidisciplinary team meeting. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2020; 40: 282 doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2020.09.005
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Amin Abbasi, Masoud Hassanvand Amouzadeh, Samaneh Salehipour Bavarsad, Sahar Sabahi, Zahra Farshadzadeh, Behroz Taheri. Assessment of the safety and microbial quality of enteral tube feedings via 16S rRNA-based sequencing. Nutrire 2025; 50(1) doi: 10.1186/s41110-025-00323-9
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Anne-Marie Hartford, Wenshan Li, Danial Qureshi, Robert Talarico, Stephen G. Fung, Shirley H. Bush, Genevieve Casey, Sarina R. Isenberg, Colleen Webber, Peter Tanuseputro. Use of Feeding Tubes Among Hospitalized Older Adults With Dementia. JAMA Network Open 2025; 8(2): e2460780 doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.60780
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Gautham Krishnamurthy, Harjeet Singh, Rajinder Singh. Successful Conservative Management of Spontaneous Antegrade Migration of Feeding Jejunostomy. Euroasian Journal of Hepato-Gastroenterology 2017; 7(1): 84 doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10018-1219
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Megan Wai Sze Kwok, George Frederick Glass, Samantha Loke, Jia Ning Loi, Ee‐Yuee Chan. I see, I learn, I do: Development and evaluation of a video‐enhanced nasogastric tube feeding training programme for caregivers. Nursing Open 2023; 10(4): 2357 doi: 10.1002/nop2.1491
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Brian P. Strollo, Stephen A. McClave, Keith R. Miller. Complications of Home Enteral Nutrition: Mechanical Complications and Access Issues in the Home Setting. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2017; 32(6): 723 doi: 10.1177/0884533617734529
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Chrisse Aquino-Miclat, Nicole Baptiste. Developing a clinical care pathway to reduce and treat enteric feeding tube site skin excoriation: a quality-improvement pilot study. British Journal of Community Nursing 2022; 27(6): 280 doi: 10.12968/bjcn.2022.27.6.280
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Kelli Ifuku, Shawn Tsuda. The SAGES Manual Operating Through the Endoscope. 2023; : 287 doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-21044-0_14
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Lefika Bathobakae, Celia Leone, Mohamed M Elagami, Hardikkumar Shah, Walid Baddoura. Acute Buried Bumper Syndrome: A Case Report. Cureus 2023; doi: 10.7759/cureus.36289
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Hilal NI, Santhi S, Nirmala V, Anitha Rani M. Effectiveness of Heat Application on Gastric Variables Among Patients With Nasogastric Tube Feeding Admitted in the Intensive Care Units at a Selected Hospital: A Randomized Control Trial. Cureus 2024; doi: 10.7759/cureus.61490
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Asaph CJ Levy. A simple method of unclogging enteral feeding tubes: even when traditional methods have failed. MOJ Clinical & Medical Case Reports 2019; 9(1): 5 doi: 10.15406/mojcr.2019.09.00290
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Aws Alfahad, Rawan Alhalabi. Ultrasound (US)-guided percutaneous thrombin injection for stoma-site bleeding after PEG tube insertion: a case series and review of the literature. CVIR Endovascular 2024; 7(1) doi: 10.1186/s42155-024-00432-y
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Chuyan Long, Yan Yu, Bota Cui, Sabreen Abdul Rahman Jagessar, Jie Zhang, Guozhong Ji, Guangming Huang, Faming Zhang. A novel quick transendoscopic enteral tubing in mid-gut: technique and training with video. BMC Gastroenterology 2018; 18(1) doi: 10.1186/s12876-018-0766-2
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Suvajyoti Guha, Alexander Herman, Luke Herbertson, Mark J. Antonino, Joshua S. Silverstein, Jeffrey Cooper, Matthew R. Myers, Talib Al-Ameri. Technical considerations for medical device manufacturers when designing gastrostomy tubes (G-tubes) using the new ISO 80369-3 connector. PLOS ONE 2020; 15(7): e0236644 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236644
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Gary P. Hubbard, Johanna Van Wyk, Louise Grinyer, Richard Onley, Sean White, Carole‐Anne Fleming, Janet Baxter, Laura Forwood, Rebecca J. Stratton. Appropriate handling and storage reduce the risk of bacterial growth in enteral feeding systems reused within 24 hours. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2024; 39(2): 437 doi: 10.1002/ncp.11058
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John C. Fang, Judith Staub, Merin Kinikini. Replacement of PEG and PEJ Tubes. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2022; 117(10): 1550 doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001858
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Robert Jay Sealock, Khushboo Munot. Common Gastrostomy Feeding Tube Complications and Troubleshooting. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2018; 16(12): 1864 doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2018.07.037
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C. L. Hvas, K. Farrer, B. Blackett, H. Lloyd, P. Paine, S. Lal. Reduced 30‐day gastrostomy placement mortality following the introduction of a multidisciplinary nutrition support team: a cohort study. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2018; 31(3): 413 doi: 10.1111/jhn.12520
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