©The Author(s) 2024.
Artif Intell Cancer. Jul 18, 2024; 5(1): 96690
Published online Jul 18, 2024. doi: 10.35713/aic.v5.i1.96690
Published online Jul 18, 2024. doi: 10.35713/aic.v5.i1.96690
Figure 2 Fusion imaging of small metastasis from colorectal cancer in difficult and high-risk location.
A: The lesion was close to the portal vein (white cross-shaped markers in ultrasound image, yellow circle in computed tomography image). The needle tip was correctly placed lateral of the lesion (thin arrow) to maintain a safe distance from the portal vein (large arrow); B: CEUS scan performed 10 min after thermal ablation (with ultrasound transducer orientation inverted compared to Figure 3A) showed complete necrosis. Fusion imaging confirmed the presence of safety ablation margins around the targeted lesion.
- Citation: Tombesi P, Cutini A, Grasso V, Di Vece F, Politti U, Capatti E, Labb F, Petaccia S, Sartori S. Past, present, and future perspectives of ultrasound-guided ablation of liver tumors: Where could artificial intelligence lead interventional oncology? Artif Intell Cancer 2024; 5(1): 96690
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