Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
Artif Intell Cancer. Feb 28, 2022; 3(1): 1-10
Published online Feb 28, 2022. doi: 10.35713/aic.v3.i1.1
Table 1 Collaboration of human and artificial intelligence characteristics aiming to provide an ideal healthcare delivery
Human factors
AI factors
Clinicians could regard their patient as a fellow mortal, vulnerable being and gain detailed knowledge of the patient's disease related to their livesAI continually coordinates new knowledge and perfects itself more rapidly than humans do
Clinicians know about social relationships and norms and could establish a genuinely intimate and empathetic connection with their patientsAutomation of routine work could save time, such as documentation, administrative reporting, or even triaging images
The clinician-patient relationship could be guided by human associative thinking and affect real-life treatment strategiesAI could provide reliable diagnosis and treatment strategies, issue reminders for medication, provide precise analytics for pathology and images, and predict overall health according to the current medical database and patient information
The impact of psychosocial and emotional factors on disease prognosis and patient compliance could benefit from a good and close clinician-patient relationshipsAI could provide simple mental health assistance via chatbot, monitor patient health, and predict disease progression