©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Meta-Anal. Apr 26, 2017; 5(2): 14-40
Published online Apr 26, 2017. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v5.i2.14
Published online Apr 26, 2017. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v5.i2.14
Table 2 Potential confounding variables adjusted for and definition of never smoker
Study No. | Ref.1 | Variables adjusted for2 | Definition of never smokers3 |
1 | Hirayama[29] | Sex, age, marital status | Never cigarettes |
2 | Garland et al[30] | Sex, age, marital status, blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity | Never cigarettes |
3 | Lee et al[31] | Sex, age, marital status | Never NOS |
4 | Martin et al[32] | Sex, marital status, blood pressure, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, family history of heart disease, exercise | Never NOS |
5 | Svendsen et al[33] | Sex, age, marital status, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, alcohol | Never any product |
6 | Butler[34] | Sex, age, marital status | Never cigarettes |
7 | Palmer et al[35] | Sex, marital status | Never NOS |
8 | Hole et al[36] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity | Never NOS |
9 | Jackson[37] | Sex, age, social class, obesity, family history of heart disease | Never NOS |
10 | Sandler et al[38] | Sex, age, social class, personal history of heart disease | Never any product |
11 | Humble et al[39] | Sex, age, marital status, blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity | Never NOS |
12 | Dobson et al[40] | Sex, age, social class, obesity, personal history of heart disease | Never cigarettes |
13 | Gardiner et al[41] | Sex, age, hospital admission date | Never any product |
14 | La Vecchia et al[42] | Sex, age, marital status, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, diabetes, family history of heart disease, coffee | Never NOS |
15 | Layard[25] | Sex, age, marital status, race | Never 100 cigarettes in lifetime |
16 | Le Vois et al[26] (CPS I) | Sex, age, marital status, race | Never NOS |
17 | Mannino et al[43] | Sex, age, social class, race, housing | Never NOS |
18 | Muscat et al[44] | Sex, age, blood pressure, social class, race | Never one cigarette, pipe or cigar per day for more than a year |
19 | Tunstall-Pedoe et al[45] | Age, blood pressure, cholesterol, housing | Never any product and cotinine < 17.5 mg/mL |
20 | Steenland et al[46] | Sex, age, marital status, blood pressure, social class, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, exercise, personal history of heart disease, occupation, oestrogen use, aspirin use, diuretic use and personal history of arthritis | Never any product daily for as long as a year (men), never cigarettes (women) |
21 | Janghorbani et al[47] | Sex, age, marital status | Never any product |
22 | Kawachi et al[48] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, family history of heart disease, exercise, occupation, oestrogen use, oral contraceptive use, saturated fat intake, vitamin E intake, menopausal status and use of postmenopausal hormones | Never NOS |
23 | Ciruzzi et al[49] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, diabetes, family history of heart disease, exercise | Never NOS |
24 | McElduff et al[50] | Sex, age, social class, obesity, family history of heart disease | Never cigarettes or quit at least 10 yr ago, and not current other products |
25 | Spencer et al[51] | Sex, age | Never NOS |
26 | He et al[52] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, family history of heart disease, personality type | Never NOS |
27 | Iribarren et al[53] | Sex, age, marital status, cholesterol, social class, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, race, exercise, personality type | Never any product |
28 | Rosenlund et al[54] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, diabetes, occupation | Never any product regularly for at least a year |
29 | Pitsavos et al[55] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, exercise and family history of heart disease | Never cigarettes |
30 | Enstrom et al[27] | Sex, age, marital status, social class, obesity, race, exercise, housing, fruit or fruit juice intake and health status | Never any product4 |
31 | Chen et al[56] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, alcohol, family history of heart disease, employment status, dietary vitamin C and fibre | Never NOS and cotinine < 17.5 mg/mL |
32 | Nishtar et al[57] | Sex, age, matched pair (conditional logistic regression was used) | Never NOS |
33 | Whincup et al[58] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, exercise, personal history of heart disease, town of residence, FEV1, height, triglycerides and white cell count | Never any product and cotinine < 14.1 mg/mL |
34 | McGhee et al[59] | Sex, age, marital status, social class | Never NOS |
35 | Qureshi et al[60] | Sex, age, marital status, blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, race | Never NOS |
36 | Hedblad et al[61] | Sex, blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, exercise, personal history of heart disease, triglycerides and FEV1 | Never one cigarette per day |
37 | Stranges et al[62] | Sex, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, race, exercise | Never 100 cigarettes in lifetime |
38 | Teo et al[63] | Sex, age, alcohol, exercise, region, consumption of fruits and vegetables | Never any product regularly |
39 | Wen et al[64] | Sex, age, social class, obesity, exercise, occupation, intake of meats, vegetables and fruit | Never NOS |
40 | Eisner et al[65] | Sex, age, marital status, social class | Never cigarettes or quit at least 20 yr ago, and < 10 pack-years |
41, 42 | Hill et al[66] | Sex, age, marital status, social class, race, occupation | Never NOS |
43 | He et al[67] | Sex, age, marital status, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, family history of heart disease, exercise, triglycerides, family history of stroke | Never 100 cigarettes in lifetime |
44 | Sulo et al[68] | Sex, age, blood pressure, social class, obesity, diabetes, family history of heart disease, race, exercise, occupation, financial loss in pyramid schemes, emigration of spouse and/or offspring, religious observance | Never cigarettes |
45 | Vozoris et al[69] | Sex, age, social class, province, immigration status, presence of children younger than 12 yr in household | Never cigarettes |
46 | Ding et al[70] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, alcohol, diabetes, family history of heart disease, exercise, oestrogen use, history of stroke, history of gout | Never NOS |
47 | Gallo et al[71] | Sex, age, social class, obesity, exercise, study centre | Never NOS |
48 | Hamer et al[72] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, exercise, personality type, survey location, log C-reactive protein, fibrinogen | Never NOS |
49 | Jefferis et al[73] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, alcohol, diabetes, exercise, region, triglycerides, FEV1, C-reactive protein, interleukin 6, white cell count | Never any product or quit at least 5 yr ago, and cotinine < 15 mg/mL |
50 | Peinemann et al[74] | None | Never NOS |
51 | Chen[75] | None | Never cigarettes |
52 | He et al[76] | Sex, age, marital status, blood pressure, cholesterol, social class, obesity, alcohol, occupation, triglycerides | Never 100 cigarettes in lifetime |
53 | Clark et al[77] | Sex, age, social class, obesity, dialect, dietary fibre intake | Never NOS |
54 | Iversen et al[78] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, exercise, living with a smoker (for analysis of hours spent in smoke-filled rooms), hours spent in smoke-filled rooms (for analysis of living with a smoker) | Never cigarettes |
55 | Kastorini et al[79] | Sex, age, blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, family history of heart disease, exercise, personality type, Mediterranean Diet Score | Never one cigarette a day |
56 | Rostron[80] | Sex, age, race, social class, alcohol, blood pressure, obesity, personal history of heart disease | Never 100 cigarettes in lifetime |
57 | Batty et al[81] | Sex, age, social class, alcohol, diabetes, exercise, personal history of heart disease, personal history of cancer | Never NOS |
58 | Shiue[82] | Sex, age, race, social class, alcohol, survey weighting, exercise, blood pressure, obesity | Never any product |
- Citation: Lee PN, Forey BA, Hamling JS, Thornton AJ. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and heart disease: A systematic review. World J Meta-Anal 2017; 5(2): 14-40
- URL:
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