©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Meta-Anal. Aug 26, 2016; 4(4): 77-87
Published online Aug 26, 2016. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v4.i4.77
Published online Aug 26, 2016. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v4.i4.77
Table 1 Main characteristics of studies included in network meta-analysis
Ref. | Antibiotics | Country and population | Carrier status | Serogroups and susceptibility | Study design | Sequence generation | Allocation concealment |
Blakebrough et al[14] | Rifampin: 4 × 75 mg for 0-2 yr, 4 × 150 mg for 2-4 yr, 4 × 300 mg for 5-14 yr, 4 × 600 mg for > 15 yr (bid, 2 d) Sulphadimidine: 4 × 250 mg for 0-4 yr, 4 × 500 mg for 5-14 yr, 4 × 1 g for > 15 yr (bid, 2 d) | Nigeria Household contacts | Any carriers | Group A Susceptibility tested | Cluster quasi-RCT | Inadequate | Inadequate |
Borgoño et al[15] | Rifampin: 2 × 10 mg/kg Placebo | Chile Children | Any carriers | Group unknown Susceptibility not tested | RCT | Unclear | Unclear |
Cuevas et al[16] | Rifampin: 4 × 600 mg for > 18 yr, 4 × 20 mg/kg for 2-18 yr (bid, 2 d) Ciprofloxacin: 1 × 750 mg for > 18 yr, 1 × 15 mg/kg for 2-18 yr | Malawi Household contacts | Any carriers | Group A: 51% (unknown 49%) Susceptibility tested | Cluster RCT | Unclear | Unclear |
Deal et al[17] | Rifampin: 4 × 600 mg (4 d) Placebo | United States Healthy students | Heavy/ Persistent (3 positive cultures) | Group B Susceptibility tested | RCT | Adequate | Adequate |
Deal et al[18] | Cephalexin: 12 × 500 mg (tid, 4 d) Placebo | United States Students | Persistent (3 positive cultures) | Group B Susceptibility tested | RCT | Adequate | Adequate |
Deviatkina et al[19] | Rifampin: 4 × 300 mg (4 d) Placebo | Russia Unclear | Unknown | Group unknown Susceptibility tested | RCT | Unclear | Unclear |
Devine et al[20] | Rifampin: 4 × 600 mg (4 d) Placebo | United States Army recruits | Any carriers | Group Y: 79% Susceptibility tested | RCT | Adequate | Unclear |
Devine et al[21] | Coumermycin A1: 14 × 50 mg (bid, 7 d) Placebo | United States Army recruits | Any carriers | Group unknown Susceptibility tested | RCT | Adequate | Unclear |
Devine et al[22] | Minocycline: 1 × 200 mg + 9 × 100 mg (bid, 5 d) Placebo | United States Army recruits | Any carriers | Group Y: 63% Susceptibility tested | RCT | Adequate | Unclear |
Devine et al[22] | Minocycline: 4 × 200 mg (bid, 2 d) No antibiotic | United States Army recruits | Any carriers | Group Y: Most Susceptibility tested | RCT | Adequate | Unclear |
Dowd et al[23] | Ampicillin: 30 × 500 mg (tid, 10 d) Penicillin: 30 × 462 mg (tid, 10 d) Placebo | United States Amy recruits | Any carriers | Group B and sulfadiazine-resistant | RCT | Unclear | Unclear |
Dworzack et al[24] | Ciprofloxacin: 1 × 750 mg Placebo | United States Young adults | Persistent (3 positive cultures) | Group B: 41%, Z: 33% Susceptibility tested | RCT | Unclear | Unclear |
Girgis et al[25] | Rifampin: 4 × 600 mg (bid, 2 d) Azithromycin: 1 × 500 mg | Egypt Nursing students | Any carriers | Group A: 37%; B: 33% Susceptibility tested | RCT | Adequate | Unclear |
Guttler et al[26] | Rifampin: 5 × 600 mg (5 d) Minocycline 10 × 100 mg (bid, 5 d) Ampicillin 10 × 500 mg (bid, 5 d) Placebo | United States Army recruits | Any carriers | Group B or C: 31% (non- groupable 67%) Susceptibility tested | Cluster RCT | Adequate | Unclear |
Judson et al[27] | Ceftriaxone: im 1 × 125 mg Spectinomycin: im 1 × 2 g | United States Patients with gonorrhoea | Any carriers | Group unknown Susceptibility tested | RCT | Unclear | Unclear |
Kaiser et al[28] | Rifampin: 4 × 600 mg for weight ≥ 66 lb, or 4 × 300 mg for weight < 66 lb (4 d) Placebo | United States Household contacts | Any carriers | Group C: 35% Susceptibility tested | RCT | Adequate | Unclear |
Kaya et al[29] | Rifampin: 4 × 600 mg (bid, 2 d) Ciprofloxacin: 1 × 750 mg | Turkey Healthy adults | Any carriers | Group unknown Susceptibility not tested | Quasi RCT | Inadequate | Inadequate |
Munford et al[30] | Rifampin: 4 × 600 mg (bid, 2 d) Minocycline: 1 × 200 mg + 5 × 100 mg (bid, 3 d) Rifampin + Minocycline: as above Sulphadiazine: 4 × 1 g (bid, 2 d) | Brazil Household contacts | Any carriers | Group C: Most Susceptibility tested | Cluster quasi-RCT | Inadequate | Inadequate |
Pugsley et al[32] | Sch29482: 16 × 250 mg (every 6 h for 4 d) Placebo | United States | Persistent carriers (2 positive cultures) | Group Z: 36%; B: 24% | RCT | Adequate | Unclear |
Pugsley et al[31] | Ciprofloxacin: 10 × 500 mg (bid, 5 d) Placebo | Young men United States | Persistent (2 positive cultures) | Susceptibility tested Group B: 79% | RCT | Adequate | Unclear |
Renkonen et al[33] | Ciprofloxacin: 4 × 250 mg (bid, 2 d) Placebo | Young adults Finland | Heavy (> 100 colonies per plate) | Susceptibility tested Group B: 45% | RCT | Adequate | Adequate |
Schwartz et al[34] | Rifampin: 4 × 600 mg or 4 × 10 mg/kg (bid, 2 d) | Army recruits Saudi Arabia | Any carriers | Susceptibility tested Group A | Cluster RCT | Unclear | Unclear |
Simmons et al[35] | Ceftriaxone: im 1 × 250 mg (or 125 mg for < 15 yr) Rifampin: 4 × 600 mg for adults, 4 × 5 mg/kg for children < 1 mo, and 4 × 10 mg for children > 1 mo (bid, 2 d) Ceftriaxone: im 1 × 250 mg, or 1 × 125 mg for < 12 yr | Household contacts New Zealand Household contacts | Any carriers | Susceptibility tested Group B: 53% Susceptibility tested | RCT | Unclear | Unclear |
- Citation: Abdelhamid AS, Loke YK, Abubakar I, Song F. Antibiotics for eradicating meningococcal carriages: Network meta-analysis and investigation of evidence inconsistency. World J Meta-Anal 2016; 4(4): 77-87
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