Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Meta-Anal. Sep 18, 2024; 12(3): 94519
Published online Sep 18, 2024. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v12.i3.94519
Table 1 The vascular thrombotic complications in association with amebic liver abscess
Study type
Vascular complication
Age /gender
LA size & site
Sarda et al[32], 2010, IndiaCase series, n = 3IVC thrombosis21, 24, and 61 years/MLarge, caudate lobeAntibiotics and PDComplete resolution
Jesrani et al[43], 2020, IndiaCase reportPTE26 years/MLarge, segment VIIIAntibiotics, PD, and anticoagulationStable clinical improvement
Sodhi et al[34], 2007, IndiaCase reportHepatic vein and IVC thrombosis57 years/MLarge, right lobeAntibiotics, PD, and anticoagulationContinued improvement
Martin et al[26], 2017, CanadaCase reportIVC and hepatic vein thrombosis43 years/MLarge, caudate lobeAntibioticsStable clinical improvement
Gupta et al[72], 2013, IndiaCase reportIVC thrombosis6 years/MSmall, left lobeAntibiotics + surgical thrombectomyComplete resolution
Khan et al[73], 2009, PakistanCase reportIVC and right atrium thrombus46 years/MLarge, right lobeAntibiotics, PD, anticoagulation, and surgical thrombectomyComplete recovery
Prendki et al[9], 2011, FranceCase reportIVC and right atrial thrombosis, and PTE23 years/MLarge, right lobeAntibiotics, PD, and anticoagulationContinued clinical improvement
McKenzie et al[10], 2015, United StatesCase reportIVC and HV thrombosis, PTE43 years/MLarge, left lobeAntibiotics and anticoagulationStable clinical improvement
Goel et al[53], 2020, IndiaCase reportBilhaemia, PVT, and HVT64 years/MLarge, segment IVAntibiotics, PD, and anticoagulation + biliary stentingComplete improvement
Marak et al[17], 2023, IndiaCase series, n = 3IVC thrombosis38, 55 & 56 years/MLarge, both lobeAntibiotics and PDStable improvement
Siddiqui et al[64], 2013, IndiaCase reportIVC and right atrial thrombus2 years/MLarge, segment IV/VIIIAntibiotics, surgery, anticoagulationComplete resolution of abscess
Ray et al[70], 2012, IndiaCase reportIVC thrombosis47 years/MLarge, right lobeAntibiotics and PDUneventful recovery
Méchaï et al[65], 2009, FranceCase reportHVT (Budd-Chiari syndrome)87 years/MLarge, right lobeAntibiotics, PD, and anticoagulationProgressive recovery
Thati and Nagral[66], 2014, IndiaCase reportIVC thrombosis with PTE50 years/MLarge, segment VIIIAntibiotics, PD, and anticoagulationComplete improvement
Priyadarshi et al[14], 2020, IndiaProspective cohort, n = 62Venous thrombosis in 43 (69%), including PVT, HVT and IVC thrombosisMean age 37 years/M 95%Mean size 95 cm, both lobesAntibiotics and PDPartial resolution of thrombus and segmental atrophy of liver in 5 patients after 2 months