Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Meta-Anal. Dec 18, 2023; 11(7): 351-367
Published online Dec 18, 2023. doi: 10.13105/wjma.v11.i7.351
Table 2 Summary of systematically reviewed clinical cases
Age (yr)
Polystyrene type
Total dose (g)
First symptom (d)
Gastrointestinal compromise
Patel et al[52], 2017United States45MKayexalate30-NoneSmall intestine, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colonLarge ulcers at terminal ileum hepatic flexure and rectumSmall bowel: Acute enteritis and basophilic crystals with “fish-scales”Recovery
Mizukami et al[53], 2016Japan64MKayexalateNR30HematocheziaRectumMultiple ulcers were found in the upper to mid-rectumRectum: SPS crystalsRecovery
Rogers et al[33], 2001United States55MKayexalateNR5Diarrhea, Melena, Abdominal PainSigmoid colon, descending colonLarge rectal ulcer and surrounding edematous and boggy mucosaRectum: Acute transmural necrosis with inflammatory and necrotic debris on the surface. Crystalloid foreign materials that were adherent to the ulcer bedRecovery
Cervoni et al[54], 2015United States58MKayexalateNR21None Descending colonSeverely friable mucosa with ischemic- appearing ulceration and apparent site of perforation in the proximal descending colonDescending colon: Basophilic crystals with a mosaic pattern resembling fish scalesRecovery
Singla et al[55], 2016United States50FKalimate 152Constipation, Abdominal Pain, Bowel Sounds Were AbsentCecumNRCecum: Colonic necrosis and presence of SPS crystals in necrotic colonic mucosaRecovery
Buraphat et al[34], 2019Thailand61MKayexalate210NRConstipation, Abdominal PainSmall intestineNRSmall intestine: Multiple erosions with ischemic changes and basophilic angulated crystals on the surface, Sigmoid Colon: numerous basophilic angulated crystals with a fish scale appearance were observed adhering to the surface of the mucosaDeath
Buraphat et al[34], 2019Thailand74FKayexalate150NRAbdominal PainCecumNRNRDeath
Buraphat et al[34], 2019Thailand89FKayexalate180NRConstipation, Abdominal PainSigmoid colonNRNRRecovery
Fiel et al[19], 2018Brazil56MKayexalateNR7Constipation, Abdominal Pain, Fatigue, Abdominal Distension, Pneumoperitoneum, Hypokalemia CPS BezoarCecumNRSerositis and transmural ischemiaDeath
Jacob et al[1], 2016India75MKalimateNR 7Abdominal PainSigmoid colonInflamed edematous and ulcerated cecum, small ulcer with slough 4–5 cm from anal verge rectum, Stricture in splenic flexure scope could not be passed beyond, nodularity with superficial ulceration in rectum, ulcers in rectum and sigmoid colonAll biopsies showed similar findings with ulceration and inflammatory granulation tissue in most. Crystals which were basophilic and irregular ranging from 1 to 200 in number, ranging in size from 50 to 150 μ were noted. They had a mosaic or ribbed pattern or bothRecovery
Jacob et al[1], 2016India72MKayexalateNR7Abdominal PainRectumNREqual aboveRecovery
Jacob et al[1], 2016India72MKayexalateNR7Abdominal PainRectumNREqual aboveRecovery
Jacob et al[1], 2016India64FKayexalateNR7NRDescending colonNREqual aboveRecovery
Jacob et al[1], 2016India48FKayexalateNR7NRRectumNREqual aboveDeath
Jacob et al[1], 2016India52MKayexalateNR7NRSigmoid, RectumNREqual aboveDeath
Joo et al[8], 2009South Korea34FKayexalate2152HematocheziaDescending colonDiffuse active ulceration with mucosal necrosis and hemorrhage from the rectum to beyond the reach of an endoscopeColitis with mucosal necrosis or ulceration and irregular shaped and sized angulated crystals with a characteristic crystalline mosaic pattern on the mucosa and ulcer bed tissue and within the necroinflammatory debrisDeath
Akagun et al[56], 2011Turkey78FKayexalate602Abdominal Pain, PneumoperitoneumSigmoid colonNRNecroinflammatory debris and various sized fragments of basophilic crystalloid material with angulated margins on microscopic examinationRecovery
Cheng et al[20], 2021 Australia53FKayexalate3015Diarrhea, Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, Abdominal Distension, Fever, PneumoperitoneumTransverse colonNRMultiple discrete areas of deep ulceration with intramural necrosis abscess formation and focal transmural penetration SPS crystals were present in the inflammatory debrisDeath
Castillo-Cejas et al[57], 2014Spain73MKayexalateNRNRHypotensionCecum, ascending colon, transverse colonIschemic lesions in cecum, ascending colon and hepatic angleAscending colon: Mucosal necrosis and Kalimate crystals with their characteristic mosaic pattern within the granulation tissue from one of the colonic ulcersRecovery
Thomas et al[23], 2009United States64FKayexalate9027Hematochezia, Abdominal Pain, Abdominal Distension, HypotensionSigmoid colon, Rectum Friable area of 15 to 25 cm from the anal vergeRectum: Ulcerated mucosa and prominent granulation tissue with small eosinophilic angulated crystals embedded in mucosal ulcersRecovery
Bomback et al[31], 2009United States56FKayexalate15NRAbdominal PainTransverse colonLarge sessile mass in the midtransverse colonTransverse colon: Crypt miniaturization with leakage of red blood cells and fibrin into the lamina propria associated with polygonal basophilic crystalsRecovery
Scott et al[37], 1993United States48MKayexalate500.5Abdominal Pain, Abdominal DistensionDescending colon, Sigmoid colon, RectumThe rectum, sigmoid, and left colonic mucosa were erythematous and friable. The mucosa became frankly necrotic at the splenic flexureNRRecovery
Chou et al[58], 2011Taiwan30MKayexalate903HematocheziaTransverse colonColon ulcers included scattered erosion longitudinal ulcerations and sharply defined segment of involvementTransverse colon and splenic flexure: Necrotic debris adjacent to eroded colonic mucosa. A few basophilic and rhomboid crystals with fish-scale-like mosaic pattern were identifiedRecovery
Ribeiro et al[59], 2017Portugal72MKalimateNR1Abdominal PainCecum, ascending colonCongestive and ulcerated mucosa in the right colon and a deep necrotic ulcer in the cecum, with a diameter of 40 mmCecum: Necroinflammatory and granulation tissue containing basophilic-stained polystyrene sulfonate crystalsRecovery
Wootton et al[60], 1989United States48MKeyexalate2000.5Abdominal Pain, Abdominal Distension, FeverTransverse colonNRTransverse colon: Patchy transmural infarction of the colon. Near the necrotic mucosa were large quantities of amorphous Kayexalate materialRecovery
Chelcun et al[61], 2012United States51MKeyexalate30NRMelenaSmall intestineLarge ulcer surrounded by erythema was found at the ileocecal valveIleocecal valve: Reactive colonic mucosa with ulceration and prominent acute inflammatory exudate containing basophilic crystals consistent with SPS useRecovery
Tapia et al[62], 2009Switzerland71FKayexalate8010Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain, VomitingCecum, ascending colonSegmental, circumscribed colitis in the cecum and at the left flexureCecum and left flexure: Segmental ulcers lightly distorted crypts with mucus depletion and fibrosis in the lamina propria accompanied by a mixed inflammatory infiltrate with lymphocytes and some neutrophils. Colon fragments with the angular crystals/foreign bodiesRecovery
Trottier et al[63], 2009Canada24MKayexalate1101Constipation, Abdominal Pain, Abdominal Distension, Fever, HypotensionSmall intestineNRIleum-multifocal, acute ulceration. Patchy transmural necrosis and SPS crystal deposition within the intestinal mucosaRecovery
Kao et al[64], 2015Taiwan59MKalimate1202Abdominal Pain, Abdominal Distension, HypotensionSmall intestine, Sigmoid colonNRIleum-transmural necrosis and perforation with basophilic angulated crystals extending from the ulcerated luminal surface into the transmuralDeath
Singhania et al[25], 2020United States30MKayexalate150.16Hematochezia, Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, Abdominal DistensionAll colonNRNRNR
Goutorbe et al[65], 2011United States73MKalimate153Abdominal Pain, Hypotension, TachycardiaSmall intestine, cecumNRTransmural abscess massive inflammatory infiltrate, ulceration and inflammation of the ceca mucosa with a fibrinous and purulent coating. Small fray-purple or blue angulated crystalsDeath
Gerstman et al[18], 1992United States43NRKayexalate502Abdominal Pain, Abdominal Distension, Confusion, Blood in the Gastric AspirateCecumNRNRRecovery
Gerstman et al[18], 1992United States42NRKayexalate135NRHematochezia, Abdominal PainCecumNRNRRecovery
Aguilera et al[66], 2000Spain83MKayexalateNR1Abdominal Pain, HypotensionSmall intestineNRTransmural necrosis and in its course and in the peritoneal surface there are numerous basophilic crystals with hematoxylinDeath
Gardiner et al[30], 1997Canada66MKayexalate240NRNRStomach, small intestine NRCoagulative necrosis of the mucosa with overlying purple rhomboid kayexalate crystals, submucosal edema and acute transmural inflammation Death
Gardiner et al[30], 1997Canada71FKayexalate105NRHematocheziaSmall intestine, ascending colonNRHemorrhagic mucosal necrosis associatedDeath
Pusztaszeri et al[67], 2007France87MKalimateNRNRAbdominal DistensionSmall intestineNRKayexalate crystals, submucosal edema and acute transmural inflammationNR
Islam et al[26], 2015United States71FKayexalate150.5Vomiting, Abdominal Pain, NauseaCecumNRDiffuse mucosal necrosis with dark purple crystalsRecovery
Kardashian et al[68], 2016United States65FKayexalateNR2Hematochezia, Constipation, Abdominal Pain, Fatigue, Abdominal DistensionNRNRDark purple SPS crystalsRecovery
Shahid et al[69], 2019United States78FKayexalate431Abdominal PainCecum, ascending colonNRFindings of ischemic colitis with detached purple refractile materialRecovery
Strader et al[70], 2017United States60MKayexalate NRNRNrCecum4cm circumferential, ulcerating mass in the cecum partially obstructing the lumen as wellBiopsies in both areas reveal material morphologically consistent with kayexalate with associated colitis, ulceration and necroinflammatory debris, with no evidence of malignancyRecovery
Albeldawi et al[71], 2014United States61MKayexalateNRNRHematochezia, Fatigue, DizzinessCecumEvidence of colitis and localized ulcerations in the cecumRevealed basophilic, non-polarizable, rhomboid-like crystals without evidence of necrosisNR
Ofori et al[72], 2017United States80FKayexalateNR7Hematochezia, Abdominal Pain, Abdominal DistensionTransverse colonRevealed lumen obstructing clot in the mid transverse colon with adjacent unhealthy mucosa which was bleeding upon contact. Scope could not be advanced safely past the large clotNRRecovery
Abramowitz et al[27], 2014United States70FKayexalateNRNRHematocheziaRectumScattered diverticula throughout the colon and a 2 cm × 3 cm semi-circumferential friable rectal ulceration just proximal to the anorectal junction with active oozing of bloodFragments of granulation tissue and crystalline fragments consistent with Kayexalate that were seen on the surfaceNR
Rugolotto et al[73], 2007Italy0,01NRKayexalate6.84Abdominal DistensionSmall intestineNRIleum specimen showed multiple areas of trans-mural necrosis, whereas the lumen showed basophilic and Zihel–Neelsen stain positive angulated crystals surrounded by fibrinoid and giant cells exudatesRecovery
Edhi et al[74], 2018United States73MKayexalate301Abdominal DistensionCecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colonHighly consistent with ischemic colitis in the descending colonInflamed and ulcerated colonic mucosa and basophilic, non-polarizable, angulated, intramucosal crystals, highly consistent with SPS induced ischemic colitisRecovery
Chatelain et al[75], 2007France46MKayexalate150NRDiarrhra, HematocheziaDescending colon, Sigmoid colon, RectumSegmental ulcerations of the sigmoid colonIschemic colitis with ulcerations and transmural inflammation. Kayexalate crystals were present in the colonic lumen, adherent to ulcers. Thickened and fibrous submucosa containing numerous basophilic and purple polygonal crystals surrounded by macrophages and giant cellsRecovery
Oliveira et al[7], 2018Portugal83FKayexalateNR2Diarrhea, Abdominal PainRectumVisualization of the rectum, a depressed area in the lower rectum, partially ulcerated, without apparent necrosis was found and biopsiedPresence of basophilic structures with mosaic pattern, 1ilar to fish scales, surrounded by an intense active chronic inflammatory infiltrate, aspects compatible with lesion caused by ion exchange resin deposition (Kayexalate Crystals)Recovery
Florian et al[76], 2019United States69M Kayexalate NRNRHematocheziaCecum, Ascending colonExtensive circumferential ulceration and pseudomembrane in the cecum and proximal ascending colon. Persistent ulcerations with erythematous friability in the same areaRevealed acute reactive epithelial atypia with embedded polystyrene sulfonate crystalsNR
Lee et al[77], 2017United States66FKayexalateNR5HematocheziaRectumTwo relatively isolated ulcers located in the transverse colon and in the rectumThe rectal ulcer demonstrated findings of crystal-like structures suggestive of kayexalate crystalsRecovery
Chang et al[78], 2020United States66MKayexalate30NRNRSmall intestineNRAcute ischemic enteritis featuring mucosal ulceration associated with crystals morphologically compatible with SPS, submucosal arterial and venous thrombosis and acute organizing serositisRecovery
Moole et al[79], 2014United States80FKayexalate301Diarrhea, Hematochezia, Abdominal Pain, Abdominal DistensionSigmoid colon, RectumSevere well demarcated colitis in the rectosigmoid junction with a large amount of blood clots at the demarcationShowed distal rectosigmoid ischemic colitis, with mucosal and focal submucosal necrosis and crystals consistent with KayexalateRecovery
Edhi et al[24], 2017United States78MKayexalateNRNRNRTransverse colon, Descending colonDiffuse moderate inflammation in the descending colon, with severe inflammation in the transverse colonUlceration of the colonic mucosa with basophilic crystal consistent with SPS induced injury and no features of ischemia, infectious changes or granulomasNR
Huang et al[80], 2011United States57MKayexalate1605Constipation, Abdominal Pain, Abdominal DistensionNRNRDemonstrated crystals characteristic of SPS toxicity and concluded that the patient’s bowel perforation was likely caused by SPSRecovery
Gürtler et al[81], 2018Switzerland56MKayexalateNR1Melena, Abdominal PainSmall intestineGastroscopy demonstrated severe ulcerative duodenitis with no evidence of active bleedingRevealed a severe erosive duodenitis. Abundant SPS crystals were detectable within the fibrinoleukocytic exudates of the duodenal ulcers and on the surface of the inconspicuous gastric mucosaRecovery
Hajjar et al[29], 2018Canada48MKayexalateNRNRAbdominal Pain, Abdominal DistensionStomachNRRevealed the presence of fibrinoleukocytic debris with rhomboid, birefringent crystals, suggestive of Kayexalate in the gastric wallRecovery
Almulhim et al[28], 2018Saudi Arabia64MKayexalate309Hematochezia, Melena, Abdominal Pain, Fatigue, Fever, AnemiaDescending colon, transverse colonFindings were suggestive of right colon colitis with possible etiology of ischemia and necrotic appearing mucosaSpecimen was found to be granulated and contain SPS crystalsRecovery
Dunlap et al[5], 2016United States55FKayexalate302Diarrhea, Hematochezia, Abdominal Pain, Abdominal Distension, PeritoniteAll colonFlexible sigmoidoscopy, which identified several ulcerations that were biopsied, later revealing ischemic necrosis of the bowelDiffusely hemorrhagic with extensive multifocal ulcerations. Crystalloid particles consistent with kayexalate were identified throughout the bowel wallRecovery
dos Santos et al[12], 2021Brazil77FKayexalate1204DiarrheaSigmoid colonRevealed edema, enanthema, and erosion into the sigmoid colonTypical fish scale-like SPS crystalRecovery