Case Control Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Clin Cases. May 16, 2022; 10(14): 4380-4394
Published online May 16, 2022. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v10.i14.4380
Table 1 General information of the 82 multiple myeloma bone disease patients who underwent surgical treatments
Value n (%) or n [SD]
Age (yr)60.33 [9.620]
Male44 (53.7)
Female38 (46.3)
ISS stage
ISS-I15 (18.3)
ISS-II37 (45.1)
ISS-III30 (36.6)
Number of lesions
153 (64.6)
218 (22.0)
≥ 311 (13.4)
Site of lesion
Spine56 (68.3)
Long bone of limb19 (23.2)
Soft tissue7 (8.5)
IgA23 (28)
IgD3 (3.7)
IgG45 (54.9)
Light chain κ/λ11 (13.4)
Preoperative chemotherapy
Yes48 (58.5)
No34 (41.5)
Postoperative chemotherapy
Yes71 (86.6)
No11 (13.4)
Preoperative radiotherapy
Yes6 (7.3)
No76 (92.7)
Time from a diagnosis to surgery (mo)19.48 [26.69]
Operation scheme
Complete excision19 (11)
Partial excision/intramedullary curettage272 (87.8)
Tissue biopsy31 (1.2)
Autologous stem cell transplantation
Yes20 (24.4)
No62 (75.6)
POS (mo)27.03 [21.31]
Total survival (mo)46.63 [31.04]
Table 2 General physical condition of 82 multiple myeloma bone disease patients before surgical treatments
Value n (%) or n [SD]
Preoperative nutrition
Well68 (82.9)
Fairly6 (7.3)
Poorly8 (9.8)
Preoperative BMI (kg/m2)23.14 [3.36]
Preoperative performance status
Grade 0-216 (19.5)
Grade 3-466 (80.5)
Preoperative MM activity
Partial remission2 (2.4)
Stable disease8 (9.8)
Progression disease72 (87.8)
Table 3 Comparison of 1-year, 3-year and 5-year cumulative survival rates between the high and the low neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio group
Cutoff value of NLR1-yr CSRa3-yr CSRa5-yr CSRaChi-squareP value
NLR ≥ 441.7% vs 82.5%10.4% vs 60.9%0.0% vs 41.7%15.9690.000a
NLR ≥ 3 (n = 26)52.0% vs 87.3%19.1% vs 67.2%0.0% vs 48.3%22.1920.000a
NLR ≥ 265.8% vs 88.9%46.5% vs 61.1%31.0% vs 34.0%2.0150.156
NLR ≥ 175.3% vs 85.7%52.6% vs -30.6% vs -0.4590.498
Table 4 Univariate analysis of the general information of patients in the high and the low neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio group
CharacteristicNLR < 3 (n = 56)NLR ≥ 3 (n = 26)P value
Age (yr)60.93 ± 9.8859.04 ± 9.100.411
Gender, n (%)0.981
Male30 (53.6)14 (53.8)
Female26 (46.4)12 (46.2)
ISS stage, n (%)0.693
ISS-I10 (17.9)5 (19.2)
ISS-II27 (48.2)10 (38.5)
ISS-III19 (33.9)11 (42.3)
Number of lesions, n (%)0.033a
141 (73.2)12 (46.2)
28 (14.3)10 (38.5)
≥ 37 (12.5)4 (15.4)
Site of lesion, n (%)0.982
Spine38 (67.9)18 (69.2)
Long bone of limb13 (23.2)6 (23.1)
Soft tissue5 (8.9)2 (7.7)
Time from a diagnosis to surgery (mo)21.18 ± 29.7515.81 ± 18.440.321
Preoperative nutrition, n (%)0.071
Well50 (89.3)18 (69.2)
Fairly3 (5.4)3 (11.5)
Poorly3 (5.4)5 (19.2)
Preoperative BMI (kg/m2)23.80 ± 3.2921.74 ± 3.130.009a
Preoperative performance status, n (%)0.066
Grade 0-214 (25.0)2 (7.7)
Grade 3-442 (75.0)24 (92.3)
MM activity at the time of surgery, n (%)0.590
Partial response2 (3.6)0 (0.0)
Stable disease5 (8.9)3 (11.5)
Progressive disease49 (87.5)23 (88.5)
Preoperative chemotherapy, n (%)0.707
Yes32 (57.1)16 (61.5)
No24 (42.9)10 (38.5)
Preoperative chemotherapy regimens (n = 48), n (%)0.216
Immunomodulator-based6 (37.5)5 (15.6)
Proteasome inhibitor-based6 (37.5)14 (43.8)
Both immunomodulator and proteasome inhibitor4 (25.0)13 (40.6)
Postoperative chemotherapy, n (%)0.080
Yes51 (91.1)20 (76.9)
No5 (8.9)6 (23.1)
Postoperative chemotherapy regimens (n = 71), n (%)0.159
Immunomodulator-based3 (6.0)4 (19.0)
Proteasome inhibitor-based17 (34.0)4 (19.0)
Both immunomodulator and proteasome inhibitor30 (60.0)13 (61.9)
Autologous stem cell transplantation, n (%)0.458
Yes15 (26.8)5 (19.2)
No41 (73.2)21 (80.8)
POS (mo)32.68 ± 21.7614.86 ± 14.280.001
Table 5 Univariate analysis of the preoperative laboratory examination of patients in the high and the low neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio group
Preoperative laboratory examinationNLR < 3 (n = 56)NLR ≥ 3 (n = 26)P value
Hb (g/L)112.66 ± 24.88100.58 ± 25.910.047a
PLT (109/L)a208.38 ± 77.39196.89 ± 103.640.577
ALb (g/L)32.88 ± 6.0231.16 ± 6.290.237
AST (U/L)22.89 ± 8.3933.96 ± 18.790.007a
ALT (U/L)19.89 ± 10.2828.46 ± 24.170.093
Γ-GT (U/L)34.11 ± 27.5247.58 ± 38.190.073
Blood β2-MG (mg/L)5.43 ± 9.084.10 ± 2.850.475
Cr (umol/L)84.54 ± 73.7389.38 ± 85.840.794
Preoperative CRP (mg/L)2.60 ± 3.843.67 ± 3.930.411
Post-operative CRP (mg/L)1.98 ± 2.791.83 ± 2.060.877
Table 6 One-way ANOVA results of peripheral blood absolute lymphocyte counts, absolute neutrophil counts and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio of the 82 multiple myeloma bone disease patients at different time points (mean ± SD)
Before operation
1 wk after operation
1 mo after operation
Last follow-up visit
P value
Absolute blood lymphocyte counts1.34 ± 0.751.19 ± 0.551.45 ± 0.761.15 ± 0.821,22.3820.070
Absolute neutrophil counts3.87 ± 2.074.79 ± 2.373-53.72 ± 1.963.36 ± 2.044.3760.005
NLR2.78 ± 1.976,74.56 ± 2.333.14 ± 2.1985.03 ± 6.734.9980.002
Lymphocyte percentages (%)25.09 ± 9.9618.19 ± 7.193,426.66 ± 10.7022.83 ± 12.685.7700.001
Table 7 Kaplan–Meier analysis of postoperative survival of patients with multiple myeloma bone disease (univariate survival analysis)
CharacteristicChi-squareP value
ISS stage1.9660.374
Number of lesions7.0550.029a
Site of lesion8.1600.017a
Preoperative chemotherapy0.3870.534
Postoperative chemotherapy35.8370.000a
Preoperative radiotherapy0.9080.341
Time from a diagnosis to surgery1.8410.606
Operation scheme3.5830.167
Stem cell transplantation2.8360.092
Preoperative peripheral blood NLR ≥ 322.1920.000a
Preoperative nutrition0.7820.676
Preoperative performance status20.7750.000a
Preoperative MM activity1.6340.652
Table 8 Multivariate Cox regression analysis of postoperative survival of patients with multiple myeloma bone disease
CharacteristicP valueHR95% CI
Site of lesion0.185--
Number of lesions0.462--
Postoperative chemotherapy0.000a0.1420.057-0.357
Preoperative peripheral blood NLR ≥ 30.000a3.5031.815-6760
Preoperative performance status0.002a0.0410.005-0.318