Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Cases. Nov 16, 2024; 12(32): 6517-6525
Published online Nov 16, 2024. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v12.i32.6517
Table 1 Esophageal tuberculosis
Age, sex
Diagnosis and treatment
Diallo et al[11]58-year-old manDysphagia for 3 months with non-quantified weight loss, anorexia and feverEsophageal biopsy showed caseous granuloma. Treated with ATT
Mao et al[12]27-year-old woman1-month history of progressive dysphagia, accompanied by post-sternal pain, belching, acid regurgitation, heartburn, and nauseaEsophageal endoscopy with biopsy performed showed interstitial granulation tissue. TB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT
Savage et al[13]46-year-old woman6-week history of dysphagia and retrosternal chest pain unrelieved by antacidsBarium swallow showed a 10 cm plaque-like mid-esophageal lesion. Biopsies taken during esophagoscopy were inconclusive. Repeat biopsy 1 month later demonstrated caseating granulomata in the submucosa. Treated with ATT
Savage et al[13]26-year-old man6-week history of dysphagia for solids and retrosternal painBarium meal: Extrinsic compression in the mid-esophagus. Chest X ray: Sub carinal lymphadenopathy; Mantoux test: Strongly positive at 1:10000; Endoscopic biopsies were non-specific. A diagnosis of esophageal TB was made on radiological appearances and strongly positive Mantoux test. Treated with ATT
Han et al[15]56-year-old woman2-week history of mild dysphagiaEsophageal biopsies showed numerous epithelioid caseating granulomas. The PPD skin test, T-SPOT. TB assay and polymerase chain reaction testing for MTB were positive. Treated with ATT
Jain et al[17]15-year-old manBouts of hematemesis and melena for 2 daysEGD followed with biopsy revealed caseating epithelioid granulomas with lymphocytic infiltrate. PCR positive for TB. Treated with ATT
Khan et al[18]25-year-old man1-month progressive dysphagia for both solids and liquids associated with epigastric painEndoscopy followed with biopsy showed granulation tissue. Cultures of biopsied tissue were positive for MTB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT
Zahra et al[22]27-year-old manBurning chest pain for 3 months; Intermittent fever, weight loss, loss of appetite for few weeksEGD followed by biopsy revealed granulomatous caseating lesion. Nucleic acid amplification test was positive for TB. Treated with ATT
Abid et al[23]45-year-old womanProgressive dysphagia and weight loss (8 kg) for 6 monthsEndoscopic biopsy of esophageal ulcers revealed granulomatous changes. AFB staining and MTB complex PCR was negative. Treated with ATT
Abid et al[23]80-year-old womanMassive hematemesis without any history of dysphagia, odynophagia, regurgitationEndoscopy showed multiple ulcers in proximal esophagus, biopsy of which received granulomatous lesions. AFB stain for MTB was negative, but a positive PCR. Patient died next day because of massive hematemesis
Abid et al[23]85-year-old womanDysphagia and cough. 5 kg weight loss in 2 monthsEndoscopic biopsy of a hyperemic patch in esophagus revealed granulomatous changes. AFB stain and PCR for MTB was negative. Patient died 3 days after hospitalization due to aspiration pneumonia
Abid et al[23]29-year-old manOdynophagia and retrosternal burningEndoscopic biopsy of esophageal ulcer revealed positive MTB PCR, although cultures showed no growth. Treated with ATT
Mohan et al[24]30-year-old womanFever, malaise and decreased appetite for 3 weeks. She had dysphagia and cough during swallowing for 4 daysChest X ray: Miliary TB. Upper GI endoscopy showed ulcer, biopsy of which revealed chronic inflammation with granuloma. Treated with ATT
Olson et al[25]35-year-old man2 months of progressive dysphagia and odynophagiaAFB culture positive for MTB from surgically removed mediastinal lymph node. Treated with ATT
Fujiwara et al[26]82-year-old manProgressive dysphagiaEsophagoscopy with biopsy showed epithelioid granulation. CT chest showed enlarged sub carinal lymph nodes. Responded to ATT
Hu et al[27]75-year-old manProgressive dysphagia for 1 monthEUS followed by histopathology showed tuberculoid granuloma. PPD skin test and TB spot both were positive
Mahmoudi et al[28]55-year-old womanProgressive dysphagia for 3 months, weight loss, loss of appetite, intermittent feverEGD followed by histopathological examination revealed epithelioid cell granulomas without caseous necrosis. Sputum examination for acid-fast bacilli was positive. Treated with ATT
Salad et al[29]23-year-old manCough on eating and halitosis, mild weight lossEGD followed with biopsy showed inflammatory lesions with epithelioid granulomas. Treated with ATT
Khanna et al[30]60-year-old manProgressive dysphagia for 4 months with loss of weight and appetiteEndoscopy followed by biopsy showed epithelioid granulomas with caseating necrosis. TB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT
Danna et al[31]69-year-old manPersistent fever and dysphagia for 4 weeksEGD followed showed deep esophageal ulcerations followed with biopsy with special stains positive for AFB. Treated with ATT
Baleguli et al[32]24-year-old woman1 month of dysphagia and odynophagia associated with low-grade fevers, dry cough, night sweats, anorexia, sore throat, and pound weight lossEGD followed with esophageal biopsies showed active ulcerative and granulomatous esophagitis with mycobacterial organisms. AFB culture grew MTB and MTB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT