Prospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Clin Cases. Sep 6, 2022; 10(25): 8893-8905
Published online Sep 6, 2022. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v10.i25.8893
Figure 3
Figure 3 Its distal adjacent was the proximal insertion of the calcaneo-fibular ligament. A: Anterior routine medial and lateral arthroscopy estimated the remnant of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and found the ATFL footprint, and the quality of the ATFL rennant was poor; B: The ankle joint was inspected and any intra-articular disorders were assessed and managed, with shaving off of inflamed synovial membr ane, microfracture for cartilage injuries and excision of the osteophytes; C: Continuing to explore downward from the talofibular space, the peroneus longus and brevis muscles and calcaneo-fibular ligament (CFL); CFL was thin and hyperemic. PLBM: Peroneus longus and brevis muscles.