Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Clin Cases. Aug 26, 2022; 10(24): 8788-8796
Published online Aug 26, 2022. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v10.i24.8788
Table 1 Diagnostic criteria for type 2 autoimmune pancreatitis

Level 1
Level 2
ClinicalA response to a steroid trial with rapid (< 2 wk) radiologically demonstrable resolution or marked improvement in manifestationsClinically diagnosed inflammatory bowel diseases
Parenchymal imagingDiffuse enlargement with delayed enhancementSegmental/focal enlargement with delayed enhancement
Ductal imaging Long (> 1/3 length of the main pancreatic duct) or multiple strictures without marked upstream dilatationSegmental/focal narrowing without marked upstream dilatation (duct size, < 5 mm)
HistologyGranulocytic infiltration of duct wall, granulocytic epithelial lesions with or without granulocytic acinar inflammation and; absent or scant (0-10 cells/HPF) IgG4-positive cellsGranulocytic and lymphoplasmacytic acinar infiltrate and; again absent or scant (0-10 cells/HPF) IgG4-positive cells