©The Author(s) 2019.
Figure 2 Triage and subsequent evaluation of suspected coronary artery disease referrals.
CAD presentations to specialist are predominately referrals from general practitioners or following triage from emergency departments. Referrers either request a specialized test or a cardiac consultation. The choice between EST and ESE are not always clear. Direct specialist consultation may precipitate a more risk score guided approach. Moving down the pathway following complaints of typical symptom or positive stress test, following ascertaining anatomical information, gaps still exist for future health encounters subsequent from inconsistent classification of CAD burden probable vasospastic angina or undifferentiated cases. Direct diagnostic referrals run the highest risk of duplication for future representations. *Highlights points in the pathways where models of cost-efficacy and risk stratification can be examined further. EST: Exercise stress test; ESE: Exercise stress echocardiography; FU: Follow-up.
- Citation: Iyngkaran P, Chan W, Liew D, Zamani J, Horowitz JD, Jelinek M, Hare DL, Shaw JA. Risk stratification for coronary artery disease in multi-ethnic populations: Are there broader considerations for cost efficiency? World J Methodol 2019; 9(1): 1-19
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