Opinion Review
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Methodol. Jul 20, 2022; 12(4): 193-199
Published online Jul 20, 2022. doi: 10.5662/wjm.v12.i4.193
Table 1 Prospective randomized trials regarding bilateral hernias
Title of study
Compared techniques
Sarli et al[20], 2001Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan TechSimultaneous repair of bilateral inguinal hernias: A prospective, randomized study of open, tension-free vs laparoscopic approachTAPP vs Lichtenstein43 (20 vs 23)Surgical procedure, postoperative pain and course, follow-up, cost analysis
Mahon et al[21], 2003Surg EndoscProspective randomized trial of laparoscopic (transabdominal preperitoneal) vs open (mesh) repair for bilateral and recurrent inguinal herniaTAPP vs Lichtenstein120 (60 vs 60)Surgical procedure, postoperative pain and course, recovery
Ielpo et al[22], 2018Am J SurgA prospective randomized study comparing laparoscopic TAPP vs Lichtenstein repair for bilateral inguinal herniasTAPP vs Lichtenstein134 (61 vs 73)Surgical procedure, postoperative course, recovery, quality of life, chronic pain
Bignell et al[23], 2012HerniaProspective randomized trial of laparoscopic (TAPP) vs open (mesh) repair for bilateral and recurrent inguinal hernia: incidence of chronic groin pain and impact on quality of life: Results of 10-yr follow-upTAPP vs Lichtenstein120 (60 vs 60)Chronic groin pain, quality of life
Hynes et al[24], 2006J Am Coll SurgCost effectiveness of laparoscopic vs open mesh hernia operation: Results of a department of veterans affairs randomized clinical trialAll laparoscopic vs all open1395 (687 vs 708)Quality of life, cost-effectiveness
Ielpo et al[25], 2018Ann SurgCost-effectiveness of randomized study of laparoscopic vs open bilateral inguinal hernia repairTAPP vs Lichtenstein165 (81 vs 84)Quality of life, cost-effectiveness, cost analysis