©The Author(s) 2018.
Figure 6 ANG3070 decreases phosphorylated platelet-derived growth factor receptor in the PCK rat kidney.
A: Western blot analysis of kidney homogenates showed intense phosphorylated platelet-derived growth factor receptor (pPDGFR) levels in the PCK + vehicle (Veh) cohort compared to the WT and PCK + ANG3070 cohorts. A similar expression profile was seen with the fibrotic marker α smooth muscle actin (αSMA) in these kidneys. GAPDH expression is shown at the bottom; B: pPDGFR in renal homogenates from 10 wk old WT, PCK + Veh and PCK + ANG3070-treated animals was visualized with anti-PDGFR-α antibody and submitted to densitometric analysis with normalization to GAPDH. ANG3070 treatment was associated with a marked reduction in phosphorylated PDGFR levels (bP < 0.01, vs WT; dP <0.01, vs PCK + Veh).
- Citation: Paka P, Huang B, Duan B, Li JS, Zhou P, Paka L, Yamin MA, Friedman SL, Goldberg ID, Narayan P. A small molecule fibrokinase inhibitor in a model of fibropolycystic hepatorenal disease. World J Nephrol 2018; 7(5): 96-107
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