Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Nephrol. May 25, 2023; 12(3): 40-55
Published online May 25, 2023. doi: 10.5527/wjn.v12.i3.40
Table 1 A comparison of the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients with preemptive access to kidney transplantation and those with conventional access to kidney transplantation, n (%)
PAKT, n = 32
CAKT, n = 272
P value
Age in yr, mean ± SD (range)31.7 ± 13 (13-60)32.1 ± 11.5 (12-66)0.677
Men22 (68.8)213 (78.3)0.263
Women10 (31.2)59 (21.7)
Primary kidney disease
Glomerulonephritis3 (9.4)8 (2.9)< 0.001
Hereditary disease3 (9.4)6 (2.2)
Obstructive uropathy4 (12.5)8 (2.9)
Systemic disease4 (12.5)14 (5.2)
Urolithiasis3 (9.4)7 (2.6)
Unknown15 (46.9)229 (84.2)
Number of potential donors1
Patients presented without donors8 (25)36 (13.2)0.088
With one donor17 (53.1)187 (68.8)
With two donors4 (12.5)40 (14.7)
With three donors3 (9.4)9 (3.3)
Donor evaluation24236
Patients with evaluated donors20194
With accepted donor(s)10 (50)89 (45.9)0.232
With one donor excluded7 (35)75 (38.7)
With two donors excluded0 (0)15 (7.7)
With three donors excluded1 (5)2 (1)
With excluded and accepted donors2 (10)13 (6.7)
Number of not evaluated donors per patient656
One donor3 (50)51 (91.1)0.024
Two donors3 (50)4 (7.1)
Three donors0 (0)1 (1.8)
Order of the accepted donor12102
First10 (83.3)87 (85.3)0.634
Second1 (8.3)11 (10.8)
Third1 (8.3)4 (3.9)
Accepted donor age (yr), mean ± SD (range)38.1 ± 9 (25-53)40.6 ± 10.4 (21-60)0.39
Patient-donor relatedness degree
First5 (41.7)55 (53.9)0.234
Second5 (41.7)40 (39.2)
Third1 (8.3)6 (5.9)
Unrelated1 (8.3)1 (1)
Sex of accepted donors
Women7 (58.3)66 (64.7)0.754
Men5 (41.7)36 (35.3)
Accepted donor commitment
Donated4 (33.3)55 (53.9)0.171
Regressed1 (8.3)16 (15.7)
Released7 (58.3)31 (30.4)
Number of excluded donors per patient
One donor7 (77.8)84 (80)0.262
Two donors1 (11.1)19 (18.1)
Three donors1 (11.1)2 (1.9)
Main causes of donor exclusion
Medical causes1 (10)51 (51.5)0.027
Immunologic mismatch7 (70)34 (34.3)
Combined medical and immunologic2 (20)14 (14.1)
Main causes of donor release528
Financial causes0 (0)3 (10.7)0.235
Patient death0 (0)3 (10.7)
Patient non-candidacy0 (0)10 (35.7)
Patient regression5 (100)12 (42.9)
Achievement of kidney transplantation
Failed25 (78.1)191 (70.2)0.568
Transplanted in our center4 (12.5)55 (20.2)
Transplanted in another center3 (9.4)26 (9.6)
Cause of non-achievement of transplantation in our center28191
Donor exclusion8 (28.6)88 (40.6)0.035
Donor regression1 (3.6)16 (7.4)
Donor unavailability7 (25)37 (17.1)
Financial causes1 (3.6)13 (5.6)
Patient non-candidacy0 (0)25 (11.5)
Patient death0 (0)5 (2.6)
Patient regression11 (39.3)33 (15.2)
Fate of recipients who failed to have transplantation in our center
Death0 (0)13 (6)0.213
On hemodialysis24 (85.7)147 (67.7)
Transplantation in another center3 (10.7)26 (12)
Unknown1 (3.6)31 (14.3)