Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Virology. Aug 12, 2015; 4(3): 169-177
Published online Aug 12, 2015. doi: 10.5501/wjv.v4.i3.169
Table 1 Summary of most relevant genetic determinants of antiretroviral drug pharmacokinetics and toxicity
Drug/drug classGene, allele(s)/SNPsSNPReported associationsAdditional observationsRef.
AbacavirHLA-B*57012395029↑ risk of HSRCost effective test and included in all ART guidelines[11-13]
TenofovirABCC2 (MRP2)1249G > A2273697↑ risk of renal proximal tubulopathy in French populationsTo be confirmed in other populations[14,15]
Lamivudine, ZidovudineABCC4 (MRP4) 3724G > A, 4131T > G22736973742106↑ intracellular exposure of stavudine triphosphateUncertain clinical significance[15,53]
NRTIsTNFα238G > A361525Earlier onset of lipoatrophyNegative findings reported by others[16-20]
Stavudine, NRTIsIL1β+ 3954C > T1143634↓ risk of lipodystrophy in Spanish populationsTo be confirmed in other populations[20]
NRTIsMMP1-16071G > 2G1799750↑ risk of lipodystrophy in Spanish populationsTo be confirmed in other populations[21]
Stavudine, ZidovudineTS↓ expression and MTHFR 1298A > C↑ activity genotypes1801131↑ risk of lipodystrophy and peripheral neuropathy in Spanish populationsTo be confirmed in other populations[24,25]
NRTIsLPS-binding protein (LBP)T > C2232582↑ risk of lipodystrophy in Spanish populationTo be confirmed in other populations[22]
NRTIsMitochondrial DNA (haplogroup T): MTND1*LHON4216C, MTND2*LHON4917G, 7028C > T, 10398G > A, 13368G > A28357980↑ risk of peripheral neuropathyTissue specific mitochondrial DNA depletion may also play some role in NRTI toxicity[7,26,27]
NRTIsHFE845G > A↓ risk of peripheral neuropathyNegative findings reported by others[28,29]
NRTIsCFTR 1717-1G > A, IVS8 5T, SPINK-1 112C > T↑ risk of pancreatitisReported also in the general population[30]
NevirapineHLA-DRB1*0101↑ risk of HSR and hepatotoxicityCD4 cell % > 25% associated with ↑ risk[31,32]
NevirapineHLA-cw8↑ risk of HSR in Italian and Japanese populations[33,34]
NevirapineCYP2B6 983T > C28399499↑ risk of HSR in Malawian and Ugandan populationsStevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis, but no other HSR[37]
Nevirapine, EfavirenzABCB1 (MDR1) 3435C > T1045642↓ risk of hepatotoxicity[35,36]
EfavirenzABCB1(MDR1) 3435C > T1045642↓ plasma exposureNegative findings reported by some authors[51-53]
EfavirenzCYP2B6 *1/*1 haplotype↓ plasma concentrationsIn patients receiving antituberculosis treatment[45]
EfavirenzABCB1 (MDR1 3435C > T1045642↑ HDL-cholesterol in Spanish populationsTo be confirmed in other populations[60]
EfavirenzCYP2B6 516G > T, 983T > C3745274 28399499↑ plasma exposure and ↑ risk of CNS side effectsReports of successful efavirenz dose individualization[39,42,44,46,48,49]
EfavirenzCYP2A6 48T > G, UGT2B7 735A > G2839943328365062↑ plasma concentrations in Black and White, but not in Hispanic individuals from the United StatesTo be confirmed in other populations[47]
Efavirenz, NevirapineCYP2B6 516G > T, 983T > C28399499↑ plasma exposure in African populationsTo be confirmed in other populations[43]
NNRTIsABCA1/Hepatic Lipase (LIPC)/Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP)41493131735393764261↑ LDL-cholesterol in Spanish populationsTo be confirmed in other populations[61]
PIsABCA1 2962A > G↑ risk of hyperlipidemia[60]
PIsCETP 279A > G↑ risk of hyperlipidemia[60]
PIsAPOA5-1131T > C, 64G > C662799↑ risk of hyperlipidemia[60,62]
AntiretroviralsAPOE/LDL Receptor (LDLR)4055092228671↑ risk of trunk fat gain in Spanish populationsTo be confirmed in other populations[23]
PIsAPOC3 482 C > T, 455 C > T, 3238 C > G285411728541165128↑ risk of hyperlipidemia[18,63]
PIsAPOE ε2 and ε3 haplotypes↑ risk of hyperlipidemia[18]
AntiretroviralsInsulin Receptor Substrate 1 (IRS1)1801278↑ risk of limbs lipoatrophy in Spanish populationsTo be confirmed in other populations[23]
RaltegravirUGT1A1*28/*28↑ modestly plasma levelsClinically no significant[57]
Atazanavir, IndinavirUGT1A1*28Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice[54,55]
AtazanavirABCB1 (MDR1) 3435C > T1045642Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and jaundice↑ plasma levels[57]
AtazanavirABCB1 (MDR1) 2677 G > T2032582↑ intracellular/plasma concentration ratiosFor GG homozygous as compared with GT and TT genotypes[58]
NelfinavirCYP2C19*2 (681G > A)4244285↑ drug exposure in Italian and multiracial AmericansTo be confirmed in other populations[39]
IndinavirCYP3A5*3 (A6986G)↑ oral clearanceTo be confirmed in other populations[53]
MaravirocCCR5WT/Δ32No effect on virologic responseClinically not significant[7]