Original Article
Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Transplant. Sep 24, 2014; 4(3): 196-205
Published online Sep 24, 2014. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v4.i3.196
Table 1 Clinical scoring system for evaluation of canine osteoarthritis
CriterionClinical evaluationScore
LamenessWalks normally1
Slightly lame when walking2
Moderately lame when walking3
Severely lame when walking4
Reluctant to rise and will not walk more than five paces5
Joint mobilityFull range of motion1
Mild limitation (10%-20%) in range of motion; no crepitus2
Mild limitation (10%-20%) in range of motion; with crepitus3
Moderate limitation (20%-50%) in range of motion; with crepitus4
Severe limitation (> 50%) in range of motion; with crepitus5
Pain on palpationNone1
Mild signs: dog turns head in recognition2
Moderate signs: dog pulls limb away3
Severe signs: dog vocalizes or becomes aggressive4
Dog will not allow palpation5
Weight-bearingEqual on all limbs standing and walking1
Normal standing; favors affected limb when walking2
Partial weight-bearing standing and walking3
Partial weight-bearing standing; non-weight-bearing walking4
Non-weight-bearing standing and walking5
Overall score ofNot affected1
clinical conditionMildly affected2
Moderately affected3
Severely affected4
Very severely affected5