Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Transplant. Mar 18, 2024; 14(1): 90277
Published online Mar 18, 2024. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v14.i1.90277
Table 3 Morphological features of thrombotic microangiopathies
Active lesions
1 Glomerular lesions (Light microscopy):
Intraluminal thrombi
Endothelial swelling or denudation
Endothelial swelling or denudation
Subendothelial space widening (bloodless glomeruli)
2 Arteriolar lesions:
Intraluminal thrombi
Endothelial swelling or denudation
Intramural fibrin
Fragmented red blood cells
3 Arterial lesions:
Intraluminal thrombi
Intimal edema
Myxoid intimal swelling
Myocyte necrosis
Intramural fibrin
Fragmentation of red blood cells
Chronic lesions
1 Glomerular lesions (Light microscopy):
Double contours of peripheral capillary walls, with variable mesangial interposition
2 Arteriolar lesions:
Hyaline deposits
3 Arterial lesions:
Fibrous intimal thickening with concentric lamination (onion-skining)