Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Transplant. Mar 18, 2024; 14(1): 90194
Published online Mar 18, 2024. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v14.i1.90194
Table 1 Role of gut microbiota in kidney transplantation[6-16]
Post-transplant Setting
Study population
Gut bacteria involved
TAC dosingKTRs (n = 19)↑Faecalibacterium prausniziiIncreased abundance positively correlated with increased TAC dose requirements
RejectionKTRs (n = 55)Lactobacillales; ↓Clostridiales; ↑Enterococcus; ↓Barnesiellaceae; ↑Anaerofilum; ↓Paraprevotellaceae; ↑Clostridium; ↓Pasteurellaceae; Tertium; ↓Roseburia; ↓Haemophilus; ↓FaecalibacteriumGut microbiotra alterations associated with ABMR
TAC metabolismIn vitroFaecalibacterium prausnizii; Erysipelotricheles; BacteroidalesTaxa able to metabolize TAC into a less effective immunosuppressant metabolite
TAC metabolismKTRs (n = 10)Gut bacteriaActive metabolism of TAC by the gut bacteria. The gut microbiota could impact TAC trough variability
InfectionKTRs (n = 60)Clostridiales; ↓Mogibacterium; ↓Peptoniphilus; ↓CoriobacterineaeChanges in the relative abundance associated with the development of infections after six months post transplantation
InfectionKTRs (n = 168)↑Escherichia; ↑EnterococcusIncreased abundance associated with the development of Escherichia and Enterococcus bacteriuria
InfectionKTRs (n = 168)↑Faecalibacterium; ↑RomboutsiaIncreased abundance associated with lower risk of Enterobacteriaceae bacteriuria and UTI
InfectionKTRs (n = 168)Butyrate-producing bacteriaA relative abundance than 1% associated with lower risk of respiratory viral infection and CMV viremia
DiarrheaKTRs (n = 64)↑Enterococcus; ↓Eubacterium; ↑Escherichia; ↓Anaerostipes; ↑Lachnoclostridium; ↓Coprococcus; ↓Romboutsia; ↓Ruminococcus; ↓Dorea; ↓Faecalibacterium; ↓Fusicatenibacter; ↓Oscillibacter; ↓Blautia; ↓Bifidobacterium; ↓BacteroidesChanges in the relative abundance associated with the development of diarrhea
DiarrheaKTRs (n = 79)↓Eubacterium; ↓Anaerostipes; ↓Ruminococcus; ↓Dorea; ↓Fusicatenibacter; ↓BifidobacteriumDecreased relative abundance associated with the development of non.infectious diarrhea
NODATKTRs (n = 50)↑Lactobacillus; ↓Akkermansia muciniphilaChanges in the relative abundance associated with the development of NODAT