Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Rheumatol. Feb 18, 2025; 12(2): 103837
Published online Feb 18, 2025. doi: 10.5499/wjr.v12.i2.103837
Table 1 Candidate criteria for the diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome
Clinical domains
Macrovascular VTEVTE with a high-risk VTE profile1
VTE without a high-risk VTE profile3
Macrovascular ATAT with a high-risk cardiovascular profile2
AT without a high-risk cardiovascular profile4
MicrovascularSuspected (one or more of the following): Livedo racemosa, livedoid vasculopathy, acute/chronic aPL-nephropathy, pulmonary hemorrhage2
Established (one or more of the following): Livedoid vasculopathy, acute/chronic aPL-nephropathy, pulmonary hemorrhage, myocardial disease, adrenal hemorrhage5
ObstetricThree or more consecutive pre-fetal and/or early fetal demise1
Fetal demise in the absence of pre-eclampsia with severe features or PI with severe features1
Pre-eclampsia with severe features or PI with severe features with/without fetal demise3
Pre-eclampsia with severe features and PI with severe features with/without fetal demise4
CardiacValve thickening2
Valve vegetation4
HematologyThrombocytopenia (20 × 109-130 × 109/L)2
Laboratory domains
Lupus anticoagulant testPositive once1
Persistent positivity5
ACL and/or anti-β2GP1Moderate or high positive (IgM) (aCL and/or anti-β2GP1)1
Moderate positive (IgG) (aCL and/or anti-β2GP1)4
High positive (IgG) (aCL or anti-β2GP1)5
High positive (IgG) (aCL and anti-β2GP1)7