©2012 Baishideng.
World J Clin Infect Dis. Feb 25, 2012; 2(1): 1-12
Published online Feb 25, 2012. doi: 10.5495/wjcid.v2.i1.1
Published online Feb 25, 2012. doi: 10.5495/wjcid.v2.i1.1
Table 4 Detection of Giardia spp. faecal samples from farmed animals in Spain (1990 onwards)
Specie | Province/region | Period | No. samples | Technique(s) | Infection rate (%) | Ref. |
Cattle12 | Aragón | 1990-1993 | 554 | CC + CM | 11.7 | [30] |
Cattle1 | Granada | NS | 592 | CC + CM | 0.2 | [37] |
Cattle1 | Galicia | 2005 | 734 | IFA | 30.1 | [31] |
Cattle1 | Galicia | NS | 379 | IFA | 26.6 | [32] |
Cattle12 | Galicia | 2007 | 1316 | IFA | 4.9-28.54 | [34] |
Cattle1 | Galicia | 2008-2009 | 649 | CC + IFA | 21-383 | [33] |
Cattle1 | Álava | 2008-2009 | 227 | CpAg-ELISA + ICT | 1.4 | [29] |
Sheep1 | Granada | NS | 1165 | CC + CM | 6.3 | [37] |
Sheep12 | Zaragoza | 1995-1997 | 583 | CC + CM | 2.7 | [91] |
Sheep1 | Galicia | NS | 575 | IFA | 32.7 | [36] |
Sheep1 | Galicia | NS | 446 | IFA | 19.2 | [32] |
Sheep1 | Valencia | 2005-2007 | 386 | IFA + PCR | 42.0 | [35] |
Sheep1 | Galicia | 2008-2009 | 377 | CC + IFA | 26-443 | [33] |
Goats1 | Granada | NS | 574 | CC + CM | 4.0 | [37] |
Goats1 | Galicia | NS | 116 | IFA | 19.8 | [32] |
Goats12 | Canary Islands | 2006-2007 | 315 | IFA | 42.2 | [75] |
Ostriches/rheas | Various | 1997-2000 | 177 | Nec. + CC + CM | < 1 | [92] |
- Citation: Carmena D, Cardona GA, Sánchez-Serrano LP. Current situation of Giardia infection in Spain: Implications for public health. World J Clin Infect Dis 2012; 2(1): 1-12
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