Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Crit Care Med. Aug 4, 2016; 5(3): 187-200
Published online Aug 4, 2016. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v5.i3.187
Table 5 Value of cytokine concentrations for predicting multi-organ failure
Ref.YearDesignNo pts.MOFn (%)Diagnostic testsPredictsMOFResults
Bogner et al[36]2009P-coh5843 (74%)Y[IL-6] is significantly higher in MOF at 0 - 24 + 72 h
Frank et al[11]2002P-cc77r = 0.25 on day 2N[IL-6] is significantly higher in MOF; no reliable predictor due to low r
Jastrow et al[32]2009P-coh4811 (23%)AUC ROC 0.816; (IL-6) > 0.861 pg/mL: sensitivity 57%, PPV 100%Y[IL-6] > 0.861 pg/mL is highly predictive for MOF
Lausevic et al[33]2008P-coh6536 (55%)Y[IL-6] is significantly higher in MOF on all days of hospitalization
Lendemans et al[13]2004P-coh169 (56%)Y[IL-6] is significantly higher in MOF after two weeks
Law et al[42]1994P-coh136 (46%)N[IL-6] is elevated in MOF, does not predict MOF
Maier et al[27]2007P-coh25185 (34%)AUC ROC 0.70 for late-onset MOFY[IL-6] is predictive for (late) MOF
Partrick et al[56]1996P-cc279 (33%)Y[IL-6] is significantly higher in MOF at 12 + 36 h
Svoboda et al[62]1994P-cc4214 (33%)N[IL-6] is higher in MOF at day 1, does not predict MOF
Bogner et al[36]2009P-coh5843 (74%)Y[IL-8] is significantly higher in MOF from 0-72 h
Frank et al[11]2002P-cc77r = 0.32 on day 2N[IL-8] is significantly higher in MOF; not reliable due to low r
Jastrow et al[32]2009P-coh4811 (23%)Y[IL-8] is significantly higher in MOF from 0-24 h
Law et al[42]1994P-coh136 (46%)N[IL-8] is elevated in MOF, does not predict MOF
Maier et al[27]2007P-coh25185 (34%)AUC ROC 0.69 for late-onset MOFY[IL-8] is predictive for (late) MOF
Partrick et al[56]1996P-cc279 (33%)Y[IL-8] is significantly higher in MOF at 12 + 36 + 84 h
Bogner et al[36]2009P-coh5843 (74%)Y[IL-10] is significantly higher in MOF in early post-injury phase (< 12 h)
Jastrow et al[32]2009P-coh4811 (23%)AUC ROC 0.776; (IL-10) > 38.6 pg/mL: Sensitivity 71%, PPV 77%Y[IL-10] > 38.6 pg/mL is predictive for MOF
Lausevic et al[33]2008P-coh6536 (55%)Y[IL-10] is significantly higher in MOF in very early post injury phase
Lendemans et al[13]2004P-coh169 (56%)Y[IL-10] is significantly higher in MOF on days 3 + 4
Maier et al[27]2007P-coh25185 (34%)AUC ROC 0.60 for late-onset MOFN[IL-10) is not predictive for MOF
Menges et al[50]1999P-coh6817 (25%)Y[IL-10] is significantly higher in sepsis and MOF after 6 d
Jastrow et al[32]2009P-coh4811 (23%)Y[TNF-α] is significantly higher in MOF from 2 – 6 + 10 – 24 h
Lendemans et al[13]2004P-coh169 (56%)Y[TNF-α] is significantly higher in MOF on days 7 + 8 + 10 + 11
Menges et al[50]1999P-coh6817 (25%)Y[TNF-α] is significantly higher in sepsis and MOF after 8 d
Svoboda et al[62]1993P-cc4214 (33%)Y[TNF-α] is higher in MOF, but only after onset of symptoms
Menges et al[50]1999P-coh6817 (25%)Y[IL-1] is significantly higher in sepsis and MOF on days 3 + 5 + 6 + 9 - 13
Svoboda et al[62]1994P-xx4214 (33%)N[IL-1β] is not related to MOF
Svoboda et al[62]1994P-cc4214 (33%)N[IL-2] is not related to MOF
Jastrow et al[32]2009P-coh4811 (23%)> 889.9 pg/mL has a sensitivity of 71% and PPV of 100%Y[IP-10] is highly predictive for MOF (AUC ROC 0.939)
Jastrow et al[32]2009P-coh4811 (23%)> 193.8 pg/mL has a sensitivity of 71% and PPV of 62%Y[Eotaxin] is highly predictive for MOF (AUC ROC 0.810)
Jastrow et al[32]2009P-coh4811 (23%)> 248.6 pg/mL has a sensitivity of 71% and PPV of 77%Y[MIP-1β] is highly predictive for MOF (AUC ROC 0.871)
Schinkel et al[61]2005P-cc2169 (4%)N[IL-11[ is not significantly different in MOF