Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Crit Care Med. Aug 4, 2015; 4(3): 230-239
Published online Aug 4, 2015. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v4.i3.230
Table 6 Staging of JAK2V617F positive prodromal polycythemia vera, erythrocythemic polycythemia vera, and five stages of PV according to WHO-ECMP criteria related to therapy anno 2014[10,13,34-37]
PV: WHO-ECMP stage0123456
WHO-ECMP clinical diagnosisProdromal PVErythrocy-themic PVEarly PVOvert PV Classical PVPV PMF Masked PVPost-PV MF Spent PVLeukemic PV MDS/AL
Red cell massNVariableN/↓
Serum EPON/↓N/↓VariableN/↓
Erythrocytes × 1012/L< 5.8> 5.8> 5.8> 5.8< 5.8VariableN/↓
Leukocytes × 109/L< 12< 12< or > 12< or- > 15> 15> 20> 20
Platelets × 109/L> 400400< or > 400> 400< or > 1000VariableVariable
WHO-ECMP bone marrowEarly PVEarly PVEarly PVTrilinear PVTrilinear PVMyelofibrosisLeukemic
Bone marrow cellularity (%)50-8050-8060-10080-10080-100DecreasedIncreased
Grading reticulin fibrosis: RFRF 0-1RF 0-1RF 0-1RF 0/1,RCF 2/3RCF 3/4
Grading myelofibrosis: MF57MF 0MF 0MF 0MF 0MF 1/2MF 2/3
Splenomegaly on palpationNo/+NoNo/++++/+++/LargeLarge
Spleen size, echogram cm< 12-15< 1312-1512-1818 - > 20> 20> 20
Spleen size on palpation cm0-3NP0-34-6> 6> 8> 8
JAK2V617F in Granulocytes %lowlowModerate < 50High > 50High > 50High > 50No or ++
JAK2V617F in BFU-e (exon 12)+(++)+(++)+(++)++++++
Therapeutic implicationsLow riskLow riskLow riskIntermediate risk PVHigh risk PV-MFPost-PV MF Spent phase PVLeukemia
Anno 2014
First line aspirin/Phlebotomy Second line IFN vs HU Third line JAK2 inhibitorAspirin PhlebotomyAspirin PhlebotomyPhlebotomy Aspirin Low dose IFN → responsivePhlebotomy1 Aspirin IFN à resistant → HUIf IFN resistant → HU or JAK2 inhibitorJAK2 Inhibitor → Bone marrow transplantationChemotherapy Bone marrow transplantation? Supportive