Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Crit Care Med. Jun 9, 2025; 14(2): 99654
Published online Jun 9, 2025. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v14.i2.99654
Table 3 Tools in central airway obstruction
Electro-cauteryElectrical current applied via a probe to burn or coagulate tissue, electrocautery knives can also be used for tissue resection prior to dilationRemoval of tumors, hemostasis, tissue resection in subglottic stenosisPrecise control, minimal bleeding, and immediate effect. Useful in removal of pedunculated masses (electrocautery snare)Risk of thermal injury to surrounding tissue, requires low fractional inspired oxygen
Balloon dilationBalloon catheter inserted and inflated to dilate stenosed airwaysTracheal/bronchial stenosisMinimally invasive. Can be utilized prior to stent placed to achieve long-term airway patencyRisk of tearing or perforation of the airway
Laser therapyUsed to cut or vaporize obstructive tissue in the airway (Nd:YAG laser most commonly used)Obstruction from tumors or benign growthsHigh precision, effective in debulking obstructive lesionsRisk of thermal injury. Risk of damaging surrounding tissue. Costly, not widely accessible
Cryo-probeFreezing tissue with liquid nitrogen or other cryogenic substance, allowing tissue adhesion and destructionTreatment and debulking of benign or malignant tumors. Foreign body removalMinimizes bleeding. Effective for organic tissueMultiple treatments may be required to debulk large tumors
Argon plasma coagulationNon-contact thermal coagulation using ionized argon gasUseful in control of bleeding, useful in granulation tissue formed at the site of surgical anastomosisEffective for superficial bleeding lesions, less risk of perforationDoes not result in tumor vaporization, and not ideal for debulking large masses