Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Crit Care Med. Jun 9, 2025; 14(2): 99654
Published online Jun 9, 2025. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v14.i2.99654
Table 1 Tools in hemoptysis
Flexible bronchoscopy
Rigid bronchoscopy
InvasivenessLess invasive; performed via nose or mouthMore invasive; requires general anesthesia and operating room
Airway controlLimitedExcellent
ReachGreater; can access smaller, more peripheral airwaysLimited; may not reach distal airways as effectively
Working channelNarrowerWider
Suctioning capacityLimitedGreater
Instrument sizeLimitedLarger instruments can be used
VisualizationMay be limited in larger airwaysBetter visualization due to larger instruments
TamponadePossible, but less effectiveEasier to achieve direct compression
VersatilityAllows for biopsies, lavages, and some therapeutic interventionsPrimarily used for airway control and managing massive hemoptysis
SedationOften done under conscious sedationRequires general anesthesia
Recovery timeFasterLonger due to general anesthesia
ComplicationsLower riskHigher risk, although rare
Patient toleranceGenerally, more comfortableLess comfortable due to larger scope