Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Crit Care Med. Jun 9, 2024; 13(2): 94707
Published online Jun 9, 2024. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v13.i2.94707
Table 1 Epidemiological data regarding serotonin syndrome in different settings
Type of study
Setting of the study
Criteria used
Serotonergic drugs
Person screened
Mackay et al[17]1999Post-marketing surveillance studyGeneral populationSternbachNefazodone-therapeutic dose11834 patients on nefazodone0.04%
Isbister et al[18]2003Retrospective Toxicology centreSternbachMoclobemide poisoning and serotonergic agent21 patients with overdose55%
Isbister et al[7]2004RetrospectiveToxicology centreSternbach-clinicalFive different SSRIs. Overdose469 SSRI poisoning admissions14%
Koury et al[19]2015Retrospective. Database registryHospitalHunterFentanyl and serotonergic agent-therapeutic dose4538 patients0.09%
van Ewijk et al[20]2016ProspectiveICUHunter
or Sternbach
Multiple serotonergic agents-therapeutic dosedelirious patients on serotonergic agents (44 patients)16%
Nguyen et al[21]2017Retrospective. DatabasesGeneral populationICD-9-CMSerotonergic drugs- therapeutic dose15 million0.19% to 0.07%
Karkow et al[22]2017Retrospective case-control InpatientsHunter
or Sternbach
Linezolid vs linezolid+ serotonergic agent. Therapeutic dose87 vs 2610.4% vs 1.1%
Orlova et al[23]2018Retrospective. Database registryGeneral populationICD-9Triptans and antidepressant.
Therapeutic dose
30928 person-years0.006 to 0.023%
Prakash et al[24]2021ProspectiveICUHunterMultiple drugs. Therapeutic dose.All 309 ICU patients7.8%
Erken et al[25]2022RetrospectiveGeriatric departmentHunterAntidepressants. Therapeutic dose238 elderly (> 60 yr)25%
Cooper et al[26]2023RetrospectiveToxicology centreNo criteria usedVarious combinations of serotonergic drugs. Overdose1978 overdoses in 1520 patients13.6%
Di Salvo et al[27]2024Prospective Psychiatric wardHunterSerotonergic antidepressant agent. Therapeutic dose13312%