Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Crit Care Med. Jun 9, 2024; 13(2): 89644
Published online Jun 9, 2024. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v13.i2.89644
Table 2 Common cognitive biases encountered in critical care decision making
Cognitive bias
Anchoring bias Relying too heavily on the first information received when making decisions
Availability bias Judging a diagnosis as more likely if it quickly and readily comes to mind
Confirmation bias Selectively seeking information to support a diagnosis rather than information to refute it
Diagnostic momentum Attaching diagnostic labels and not reevaluating them
Dunning-Kruger effect The tendency for a novice to overestimate their skills
Framing effect Arriving at different conclusions depending on how the information is presented
Hindsight bias Interpreting past events as more predictable than they actually are
Premature closureFinalizing a diagnosis without full confirmation
Sunk cost bias Difficulty considering alternatives when time, effort, and energy are invested in a particular diagnosis