Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Crit Care Med. Jan 9, 2023; 12(1): 29-34
Published online Jan 9, 2023. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v12.i1.29
Table 1 Initial work up at presentation (day 1) in the Emergency Department and subsequent hospitalization
Normal value
In the Emergency Department day 1
Hospital day 2
Hospital day 3
Hospital day 4
Hospital day 5
Serum sodium (Na)135-145 mmol/L 169
Serum chloride (Cl)98-107 mmol/L124
HCO3-22-29 mmol/L1624262421
Glucose70-140 mg/dL1093
Serum creatinine (Cr)0.74-1.35 mg/dL2.27
Serum potassium (K)3.6-5.2 mmol/L4.6
Serum lactate5.2-2.2 mmol/L4.
Serum osmolarity276-306 mOsm/kg438
Urine osmolarity150-1150 mOsm/kg751
HbA1c5.7%-6.4%> 18%
pH venous blood Gas7.32-7.437.33
Anion gap7-152924161012
Fio2/Spo296%-99%/95%-100%None/92%2 Liter (nasal cannula)/92%-98%Room Air/94%-100%