Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Surg Proced. Mar 28, 2015; 5(1): 41-57
Published online Mar 28, 2015. doi: 10.5412/wjsp.v5.i1.41
Table 7 Comparing standard, piggyback and side-to-side cavocaval anastomosis
Lerut et al[16]Conventional with routine VVB, piggyback with selective VVB, STSCCAPiggyback and STSCCA groups had reduced warm ischemia time (P < 0.001), reduced need for intraoperative blood products (P < 0.01), lower rates of reoperation for bleeding (P < 0.01). STSCCA had higher frequency of immediate extubation (P < 0.001). STSCCA preserves advantages of piggyback technique including reduced implantation time and need for blood products while also eliminating VVB and reducing ventilation time
Navarro et al[48]Piggyback, STSCCA, ETSCCAReduced vascular complication in STSCCA compared to piggyback group with less cases of Budd Chiari syndrome and fewer releases of the cavocaval running suture (no P-value reported)
Hesse et al[15]Conventional with selective VVB, piggyback with selective VVB, STSCCAUse of packed red blood cells higher in piggyback group than standard group (P = 0.01). Use of packed red blood cells (P = 0.01), number of patients operated on for hemorrhage (0.002) and use of VVB (P = 0.02) lower in STSCCA than other two groups. Perioperative FFP, time in ICU, postoperative graft function and survival similar between the three groups (P = NS, values not reported)
Lai et al[49]Conventional with VVB, piggyback, STSCCASTSCCA group with lowest median cold (P = 0.001) and warm ischemia times (P < 0.0001), best immediate postoperative graft function (P < 0.0001), lowest transaminase peak (P = 0.007) and best bile output (P = 0.003). No complications reported
González et al[50]Conventional with VVB, conventional without VVB, IVC preservationTotal operating time (P = 0.004), packed red blood cell (P = 0.009), fresh frozen plasma (P = 0.005) transfusion lower in the IVC preservation group. Postoperative kidney and renal function did not differ between groups. Incidence of complications similar between groups