©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Clin Pediatr. Oct 25, 2018; 7(4): 89-104
Published online Oct 25, 2018. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i4.89
Published online Oct 25, 2018. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i4.89
Table 1 Studies/case series with perianal infectious dermatitis: Clinical and bacteriological patient characteristics
Name, yr, country, study design | Population size; age; sex | Symptoms/signs1;symptom duration | Etiologyof PID | Otherfindings2 |
Amren, 1966, United States, PS[2] | 10; 1-8 yr, half < 5 yr; 90% M | Painful defecation, constipation, anal pruritus, perianal pain, mucoid or bloody anal discharge; 1 F also with vulvo-vaginitis | GAS (culture) | Throat GAS positive: 28% (no symptoms) |
Spear, 1985, United States, RS[28] | 14; mean age 3.9 yr (1-10 yr); 11 M | Painful defecation (14), constipation (6), bloody stool (7), anal fissure (5); mean duration: 6.2 mo (range: 1-12 mo) | GAS (culture) | |
Kokx, 1987, United States, RS[4] | 31; 7 mo to 8 yr (mean 4.25 ± 1.8 yr); 77% M | Perianal itching (78%), rectal pain (52%), and blood-streaked stool (35%) | GAS and RADT | Throat GAS positive: 64%; identical perianal and pharyngeal T-type (T28, 5 cases; T4, 4; T2, 1) |
Krol, 1990, Canada, RS[20] | 8; 8 mo to 10 yr; 6 M | Perianal pruritus (8); painful defecation (4); anal fissure (2); bloody stool (1); 3 wk to 6 mo | GAS (culture) | |
Grant, 1993, United Kingdom, RS[10] | 20; 5 mo to 12 yr (mean 5 yr); 75% M | Perianal discomfort (14) and itch (13), fresh blood per rectum (12), pain on defecation (10), perianal pain (4), anal mucus discharge (2); 3 wk to 1 yr (mean 3 mo) | GAS (culture) | |
Patrizi, 1994, Italy, RS[22] | 1. 10 yr, M | 1. Pruritus, tenesmus, constipation, acute GP and mild balanitis | GAS (culture) | 1. Throat GAS negative; penile GAS: same antibiogram |
2. 4 yr, F | 2. Anal pruritus, vulvar and perineal erythema, and GP; 4 mo | 2. Throat GAS negative | ||
3. 5 yr, F | 3. PID and GP | 3. Throat GAS positive | ||
4. 9 yr, M | 4. Painful defecation, GP; 1 mo | 4. Throat GAS positive | ||
5. 7 yr, M | 5. PID and balanitis | 5. GAS tonsillitis 3 mo before; penile GAS and mother with cervical GAS (child and mother bathing together) | ||
Wright, Australia, 1994, PS[11] | 22; 5 mo to 8 yr (mean 41 mo); 13 M | Painful defecation, bleeding ± anal pain, perianal pruritus, constipation | Culture: 12 GAS, 1 GBS, 1 GCS | |
Mostafa, 1997, Egypt, PS[15] | 150; 2 mo to 11 yr (mean 3.8 ± 2.1 yr); 75% M | Perianal itching (15%), gastroenteritis (34%) | BHS: 35.3%, S. aureus 3.4% | Throat: BHS 44% (GAS 21.3%, non-GAS 22.7%); PID caused by GAS: 53.8% with same GAS in the throat |
Barzilai, 1998, Israel, PS[14] | 18; 7 mo to 5.4 yr; 10 M | Perianal pruritus (50%); painful defecation or constipation (44%); anal fissure (39%); purulent secretion (27%); rectal bleeding (16%); 2 GP | GAS | GAS in other locations: 72%; 4 siblings throat GAS positive (no symptoms) |
Mogielnicki, 2000, United States, RS[5] | 23; mean age 5 yr (1-11 yr); 13 F | 13 only PID; 2 PID + vulvo-vaginitis; 8 only vulvo-vaginitis | GAS (culture) | Throat GAS positive: 92% (± symptoms) |
Mateo, 2002, Spain, RS[19] | 10; 9 mo to 7 yr; 6 M | Oozing and rectal bleeding, anal pruritus, pain on defecation; 1 M also GP; 20 d to 2 yr | GAS | Throat GAS positive: 3/6 |
Petersen, 2003, Denmark, RS[27] | 17; mean age 6 yr (3-13 yr) | Painful defecation, fresh blood on stool | GAS 12 (11 M) T28 | Throat GAS positive 12%; 6/12 with T28 from kindergarten |
Landolt, 2005, Switzerland, RS[17] | 13; 7 F | Obstipation (58%), painful defecation (50%), perianal itching (25%), melena (25%); 10 cases with > 1 symptom | GAS positive in 12 | |
Echeverría Fernández, 2006, Spain, PS[6] | 19; 6 mo to 4 yr (median age 12 mo) | Anal pruritus (19), constipation (9), anal fissures (5), rectal bleeding (4), vulvo-vaginitis (2) | GAS (RADT and culture) | Throat GAS positive: 80%; GAS pharyngitis: 1 case |
Meury, 2008, Switzerland, RCT[12] | 35; 1-16 yr | Either typical erythema or at least 2 of: perianal itching, rectal pain, painful defecation, constipation, blood-streaked stool, rectal mucopurulent discharge, or anal fissure | GAS | |
Jongen, 2008, Germany, RS[8] | 21; < 14 yr (mean age 6.3 yr); 76% M | Perianal itching, sore anus, bleeding and pain at defecation; mean duration of 6.6 months (2 wk to 2 yr) | 17 GAS, 4 (culture) | |
Shouval, 2008, Israel, RS[18] | 11; 6 mo to 4 yr (mean 24 mo); 73% M | Irritability (all), perianal itching (6) and pain (3); < 28 d | GAS (RADT) | |
Heath, 2009, United States, RS[26] | 26; 5 mo to 12 yr; 15 F | Anal erythema or recurrent buttocks dermatitis; in PID caused by S. aureus: specific small papules and pustules of the buttocks or extension of the erythema to adjacent buttock skin | S. aureus 82%, GAS, GBS | |
Olson, 2011, United States, RS[25] | 81; mean age, M: 4.1 yr and F: 4.6 yr; 58% M | (86.4%) perianal involvement; (22.2%) symptoms for at least 2 wk (6.2% with symptoms for at least 4 wk); the rest: duration < 1 wk | GAS | |
Clegg, 2015, United States, RS[23] | 157; 18 d to 12.5 yr, mean 4.8 yr, 53% M | Predominant site of involvement: M: perianal (86%) and F: perivaginal area (62%); 9.8 d | GAS | Throat GAS positive: 95%; 100% concordance between perineal and pharyngeal GAS |
Cohen, 2015, France, PS[16] | 132; mean age 46.6 ± 23.5 mo; 64% M | Painful defecation, anal fissure, bloody stools; 4 also vulvo-vaginitis; 2 wk | GAS (RADT and culture) | |
Garcia, 2015, Spain, RS[21] | 6; 9 mo to 5 yr (mean age 3 yr); 5 M | Perianal rash (6), rectal pain (3), itching (2), vaginitis (1) | GAS | GAS pharyngitis: 30% |
Sterbenc, 2016, Slovenia, RS[24] | 89 cases < 15 yr (84.7%); median age 5 yr | GAS, GBS, GCS, GGS |
- Citation: Serban ED. Perianal infectious dermatitis: An underdiagnosed, unremitting and stubborn condition. World J Clin Pediatr 2018; 7(4): 89-104
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