Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Clin Pediatr. Sep 9, 2023; 12(4): 237-243
Published online Sep 9, 2023. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v12.i4.237
Table 2 Clinical characteristics and laboratory tests in hyperphosphatasemia associated with coronavirus disease 2019 infection: our patient and previous reports
Clinical characteristics
Our patient
Erat et al[16], 2020
Tchidjou et al[17], 2020
Age (mo)26169
Symptom of COVID-19 infection
    Upper respiratory tract symptomNoYes (Cough, oropharyngeal hyperemia)Yes (Rhinitis)
    Lower respiratory tract symptomNoNoNo
    Gastrointestinal symptomNoYes (Nausea, diarrhea)No
Laboratory tests
    Peak ALP (U/L)4662 (Normal: 111-277)1860 (Normal: 145-420)3384 (Normal: 46-116)
    ALP ratioa16.84.429
    Cr (mg/dL)
    AST (U/L)363437
    ALT (U/L)171439
    GGT (U/L)12138
    Ca (mg/dL)9.99.8NA
    P (mg/dL)45.56.8
    iPTH (pg/mL)21.328.1NA
    25-OHD (ng/mL)33.632NA
Resolution of TH
    Time turned to normal ALP levelTwo monthsOne monthOne month
    ALP (U/L)252254371