Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Respirol. Nov 28, 2015; 5(3): 180-187
Published online Nov 28, 2015. doi: 10.5320/wjr.v5.i3.180
Table 2 Specific treatments used in premenstrual asthma
GroupTreatmentRef.DesignpatientsOutcomeResultsP vauleEvidence level
HormonalOral or intramuscular progesteroneBeynon et al[68]Case-series3Premenstrual dips in peak flow3 eliminated premenstrual dips in peak flowNS4
EstrogenEnsom et al[25]Cross-over trial12 (mild severity)Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire, FEV1No differencesNS1b
Ensom et al[69]Case report1 (severe asthma)Symptoms, pulmonary function, peak flowImprovedN/A4
OCMurphy et al[18]Case-series28 (16 with PMA)OC use (%)5.42% in Non PMA 6.38% in PMANS4
Tan et al[44]Cross-sectional study18 (9 taking OC)Changes between follicular and luteal phases in airway reactivity and peak flowChanges in patients not taking OC; No changes in patients taking OC0.03 NS4
Derimanov et al[70]Case report1Deterioration of asthma, decline of pulmonary function testsAfter discontinuing the contraceptives, her condition returned to baselineN/A4
Gonadotropin analoguesMurray et al[71]Case report1Respiratory symptoms, PEFR dips premenstrual and prednisolone dosage and hospital admissionsImprovementN/A4
Anti-inflamma-toryAnti-leukotrienes: pranlukastNakasato et al[19]Pre-post study5Respiratory symptoms, PEFRImproved asthma symptom scores, inhibited maximal decreases in PEFR< 0.05 < 0.014
Anti-leukotrienes: montelukastPasaoglu et al[41]Pre-post study24 mild asthma-tics (11 with PMA)PEFR and symptom scoresImprovement in PEFR variability and symptom scores in women with PMA. No differences in women without PMA0.005 0.0024
Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors: sodium meclofenomateShimoda et al[72]Cross-over trial17 PMAPeak flow, symptoms scoreImprovement in peak flow during the early premenstrual period. No effect on the exacerbation of asthma during the late premenstrual period and early menstruation0.025 NS2
OthersPhytoestrogens soy genisteinBime et al[77]Case series300 poorly controlled asthmaFEV1 and asthma controlParticipants with little or no genistein intake had a lower baseline FEV1 and poorer asthma control than those with a moderate or high intake0.01 0.0014
Phytoestrogens soy isoflavoneSmith et al[78]Clinical trial386 poorly controlled asthmaFEV1 at 24 wk symptoms, episodes of poor asthma control, asthma control test scoreNot result in improved lung function or clinical outcomesNS1b