Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Orthop. Sep 18, 2016; 7(9): 527-538
Published online Sep 18, 2016. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v7.i9.527
Table 1 Randomized studies of chemotherapy in upfront treatment of Ewing sarcoma family tumors
StudyPatients (n)Intervention1OutcomePComments
IESS I[78]Localized (342)(1) VAC5-yr RFS 24%Beneficial of doxorubicin and benefit of lung RT
(2) VACD60%--
(3) VAC + Lung RT44%
IESS II[29]Non-pelvic, localized (214)VACD5-yr RFS0.04Intermittent, high dose better
(1) Intermittent, high dose (3 weekly)73%
(2) Continuous, moderate dose (weekly)56%
POG-CCSG INT-0091[6]Localized (398)(1) VDC5-yr RFS 54%0.005IE is beneficial in addition to VDC in localized but not in metastatic disease
(2) VDC + IE69%
Metastatic (120)(1) VDC22%NS
(2) VDC + IE22%
POG-CCSGLocalized (478)5-yr EFSNSDose intensification not effective
INT-154[32](1) VDC + IE (standard)70%
(2) VDC + IE (intensified)72%
COG AEWS0031[33]Localized (568)(1) VDC + IE (3 weekly)5-yr EFS 65%0.053-weekly better than 2-weekly with no increase in toxicity
(2) VDC + IE (2 weekly)73%
EICESS92[7]n = 155SR (localized and < 100 mL) 4#VAIA → 8# VAIA vs 8#VACD3-yr EFS 73% vs 74%NSCyclophosphamide and ifosfamide is similar in efficacy in SR patients
n = 492HR (metastatic, > 100 mL)47% vs 52%0.12No benefit of etoposide in HR patients
14# VAIA vs 14#EVAIA
Euro-Ewing 99[49]Detailed in Table 2