Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Orthop. May 18, 2024; 15(5): 418-434
Published online May 18, 2024. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v15.i5.418
Table 4 Comparison of patients with pelvic fractures with and without abdominal co-injuries, n (%)
With abdominal co-injuries (n = 93)
Without abdominal co-injuries (n = 465)
P value
Age, mean56.063.30.003a
Geriatric35 (37.6)256 (55.1)0.002a
Sex (Female/Male)38 (40.9)/55 (59.1)246 (52.9)/219 (47.1)0.03a
Comorbidities65 (69.9)358 (77.0)0.1
Mechanism of injury--< 0.001a
    Fall13 (14.0)191 (41.1)-
    Motor vehicle76 (81.7)268 (57.6)-
Glasgow coma scale, mean12.213.9< 0.001a
Injury severity score, mean27.413.3< 0.001a
AIS pelvis--< 0.001a
    243 (46.2)343 (73.8)-
    313 (14.0)49 (10.5)-
    420 (21.5)64 (13.8)-
    517 (18.3)9 (1.9)-
Any blood transfusion71 (76.4)150 (32.2)< 0.001a
Co-injury types---
    Head25 (26.9)101 (21.7)0.3
    Spine22 (23.7)59 (12.7)0.006a
    Thoracic34 (36.6)77 (16.6)< 0.001a
CT with contrast90 (96.8)358 (77.0)< 0.001a
    Contrast blush41 (45.6)32 (8.9)< 0.001a
Pelvic angiogram48 (51.6)54 (11.6)< 0.001a
    Pelvic embolization33 (68.8)28 (51.9)0.1
Pelvic orthopedic surgery27 (29.0)47 (10.1)< 0.001a
Exploratory laparotomy51 (54.8)13 (2.8)< 0.001a
ICU admission83 (89.2)238 (51.2)< 0.001a
ICU length of stay, mean days13.45.7< 0.001a
Hospital length of stay, mean days22.58.6< 0.001a
Mortality17 (18.3)23 (4.9)< 0.001a
Hospital discharge disposition--< 0.001a
    Expired in hospital9 (9.7)5 (1.1)-
    Hospice8 (8.6)18 (3.9)-
    Long term care hospital14 (15.1)12 (2.6)-
    Skilled nursing facility13 (14.0)113 (24.3)-
    Rehabilitation facility26 (28.0)166 (35.7)-
    Home23 (24.7)151 (32.5)-