Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Orthop. Aug 18, 2021; 12(8): 584-603
Published online Aug 18, 2021. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v12.i8.584
Table 1 Demographic data from the reviewed articles
Sex (male/female)
Age at IP
Follow up
No of patient with final spinal fusion
Comments, kind of complication analyzed
1Bess et al[15], 2010TGR14071/5965.0Neuromuscular (n = 52), idiopathic (n = 40), congenital (n = 24), and other (n = 24)50W, I, A, M
2Du et al[16], 2020 16769/987,210.7Idiopathic (n = 45), neuromuscular (n = 56), syndromic (n = 43), congenital (n = 21), other (n = 2)167Analyzed patients who had undergone a FF after growing-rod treatment, W, I, A, M
3Andras et al[13], 201536nd6.14.3Syndromal (n = 10), idiopathic (n = 11), congenital (n = 2), neuromuscular (n = 13)ndI, M
4Myung et al[17], 2014159nd54.7Neuromuscular (n = 46), congenital (n = 42), idiopathic (n = 37), syndromal (n = 34)ndI
5Arandi et al[18], 201417578/975.95.2Idiopathic (n = 69), syndromal (n = 62), neuromuscular (n = 44)ndI
6Liang et al[19], 20155516/396.838.4Congenital (n = 28), idiopathic (n = 6), syndromal (n = 8), neuromuscular (n = 6) and miscellaneous disorders (n = 7)10W, I, A, M
7Ramirez et al[20], 20206732/3564.1Only non-ambulatory neuromuscular early-onset scoliosisndW, I, M
8Yamaguchi et al[21], 2014176ndnd4.7Congenital (n = 48), neuromuscular (n = 42), syndromal (n = 37), idiopathic scoliosis (n = 32) and miscellaneous (n = 17)ndI
9Poe-Kochert et al[22], 201610042/5874.3Neuromuscular (n = 38), syndromic (n = 31), idiopathic (n = 22), congenital (n = 9)100Analyzed patients who had undergone a FF after growing-rod treatment; W, I
10Kabirian et al[23], 2014379177/2026.35.3ndndOnly deep infection analyzed
11Hosseini et al[24], 2018274114/1606.76.3Neuromuscular (n = 84), congenital (n = 43), syndromic (n = 89), idiopathic (n = 58)ndI
12Johnston et al[25], 201327nd5.34.5Neuromuscular (n = 6), idiopathic (n = 11), syndromic (n = 10)6Comparing with cast treatment, complications in total
13Bachabi et al[11], 202050nd5.58.3ndndW, I, A, M
14Luhmann et al[14], 201718187.77.4Idiopathic (n = 9), neuromuscular (n = 7), syndromic (n = 1), congenital (n = 1)17W, I, M
15Akbarnia et al[10], 20141256.54.1Not givenndW, I, M
16Harris et al[8], 2020353nd66.0Not givenndI, TGR -318 cases, 35 -VEPTR cases
17Helenius et al[9], 201821494/1205.66.0Neuromuscular (n = 68), congenital (n = 28), syndromic (n = 74), idiopathic (n = 44)49W, I, M TGR cases 198) MCGR cases 16
18Gadepalli et al[26], 2011VEPTR2616/107.587.0Congenital or infantile scoliosis (n = 12), neuromuscular scoliosis (n = 5), unspecified structural thoracic disorder (n = 7), Jeune syndrome (n = 2)ndW, I, M
19Bachabi et al[11], 202022nd4.37.7ndndW, I, M
20Crews et al[27], 201815116/67.13+ndndOnly SSIs following VEPTR implant or revision surgeries were identified
21Murphy et al[28], 20162512/135.74.5Congenital (n = 25)ndW, I, M
22Berger-Groch et al[29], 2020137/62.27.6Congenital (n = 13)ndW, I, M
23Hasler et al[30], 2010238/156.53.6Early onset idiopathic scoliosis (n = 1), neuromuscular (n = 11), post-thoracotomy scoliosis (n = 2), Sprengel deformity (n = 1), hyperkyphosis (n = 2), myopathy (n = 1), syndromic (n = 5)ndW, I, A, M
24Latalski et al[31], 201112nd5.252.5Congenital (n = 3), neuromuscular (n = 9)0W, I, A, M
25Hell et al[32], 2005158/76ndCongenital (n = 9), neuromuscular (n = 6)0W, I, M
26Garg et al[33], 201410357/465.3Neuromuscular (n = 30), congenital (n = 44), syndromic (n = 18), idiopathic (n = 11)Only wound complications following VEPTR implant or revision surgeries were identified
27Waldhausen et al[34], 201665nd6.96.9Congenital (n = 23), neuromuscular (n = 12), syndromic (n = 14), idiopathic (n = 2), other (n = 14)28W, I, M
28Striano et al[35], 20191666.81Neuromuscular (n = 61), syndromic (n = 38), congenital (n = 64), idiopathic (n = 3)ndOnly wound complications following VEPTR implant or revision surgeries were identified
29Lucas et al[36], 20135421/3372.0Neuromuscular (n = 19), congenital (n = 30), syndromic (n = 7), idiopathic (n = 3)ndW, I, A, M
30Garg et al[37], 20163822/165.514.1Neuromuscular (n = 18), congenital (n = 13), syndromic (n = 5), idiopathic (n = 2)ndOnly wound complications following VEPTR implant or revision surgeries were identified
31Subramanian et al[38], 2018MCGR3115/167.73.9Neuromuscular (n = 4), syndromic (n = 19), idiopathic (n = 6), congenital (n = 2)ndW, I, A, M
32Urbański et al[39], 20204714/188.81-2.5Neuromuscular (n = 10), syndromic (n = 11), idiopathic (n = 20), congenital (n = 6)0W, I, A, M
33Akbarnia et al[10], 2014125/76.82.5Neuromuscular (n = 4), syndromic (n = 4), idiopathic (n = 3), congenital (n = 1)ndI, M
34Studer et al[40], 20193010/209.42.1Congenital (n = 11), neuromuscular (n = 10), syndromic (n = 4), idiopathic (n = 5)ndW, I, A
35Kwan et al[41], 20173011/197.33.0Syndromal (n = 8), idiopathic (n = 8), congenital (n = 6), neuromuscular (n = 8)5W, I, A,
36Obid et al[42], 2020224/189.54.0Idiopathic (n = 14), neurofbromatosis (n = 2), neuromuscular and syndromic (n = 6)9W, I, A, M
37Lampe et al[43], 2019247/1710.53.5Syndromal (n = 4), idiopathic (n = 9), congenital (n = 1), neuromuscular (n = 10)ndW, I, A, M
38Haapala et al[12], 20201811/76.83.2Neuromuscular (n = 12) II, syndromic (n = 8) EOS two NFI (n = 2) 5I, A, M
39Haapala et al[12], 2020Shilla138/564.0Neuromuscular (n = 11), syndromic (n = 2)4W, I, M
40Andras et al[13], 2015Shilla36nd6.14.6Syndromal (n = 10), idiopathic (n = 11), congenital (n = 2), neuromuscular (n = 13)ndI, M
41Nazareth et al[44], 2020Shilla2010/105.75.2Syndromic (n = 9), neuromuscular (n = 5), idiopathic (n = 3), congenital (n = 3).7W, I, M
42Miękisiak et al[45], 2019GGS5713/449.82+Not givenndGGS – the same principle as Shilla. System made of Ti. W, I, A, M
43McCarthy et al[46], 2014Shilla102/87.52.0Idiopathic (n = 3), congenital scoliosis (n = 1), syndromic (n = 2), neuromuscular scoliosis (n = 4)ndW, I
44Luhmann et al[14], 2017Shilla18nd7.96.1Idiopathic (n = 8), neuromuscular (n = 7), syndromic (n = 3)15 and 3 implant removalsW, I, M
45McCarthy et al[47], 2015Shilla4017/236.115.0Idiopathic (n = 9), congenital (n = 1), neuromuscular (n = 16), syndromic (n = 14)15 and 3 Implant removalsW, I, A