Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Orthop. May 18, 2021; 12(5): 320-328
Published online May 18, 2021. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v12.i5.320
Table 2 Surgical technique used for endoscopic fasciotomy of the forearm for chronic exertional compartment syndrome
Ref. Sample sizeSurgical technique
Special tools
Other surgical notes
Abe and Fujii[10], 20171 (unilateral)2.3 mm endoscope with 30° angle1 cm single incision, 2 cm proximal to the point of tendernessRelease of brachioradialis fascia (case involved mobile wad only)
Hijjawi and Nagle[14], 20101 (unilateral)4.5 mm 30° endoscope and probe blade from Chow dual-port endoscopic carpal tunnel set2 incision: 2 cm transverseincision was made at the junction of the middle and distal thirds of the forearm in line with the flexor-pronator muscles; another 2 cm incision made 4 cm distal to the elbow crease--
Jans et al[11], 2015154 (all bilateral)The single-use Vasoview 7 Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting System (Maquet–Getinge Group, Rastatt, Germany)Single 3 cm volar incision between flexor carpi radialis tendon and palmaris longus tendon made 4 cm proximal to the wristDecompression of the superficial flexor compartment done up to 3 cm distal to cubital fold
Miller et al[17], 2017 2 (1 bilateral)EndoRelease (Integra LifeSciences Corporation,Plainsboro, New Jersey) systemSingle incision over the subcutaneous border of the ulna midway between olecranon and ulnar styloid --
Pegoli et al[15], 20163 (1 bilateral)STORZ endoscopy setSingle 2 cm volar incision: Line drawn between medial epicondyle to wrist flexion crease ulnar to palmaris longus tendon, then divided into 4 parts. Incision is made between first and second quarters proximallyFasciotomy between flexor carpi radialis/palmaris longus tendons laterally and flexor carpi ulnaris medially
Ruyer et al[16], 202021 (15 bilateral)SmartRelease® (previously Agee®) endoscopic system (Micro- Aire Surgical Instruments, VA, United States)Incision based on the involved compartments: Line drawn between medial epicondyle to middle of wrist flexion crease anteriorly, and between lateral epicondyle and Lister’s tubercle posteriorly. 2 or 3 small incisions are made along the lines to fit the 6 cm long endoscopic knife--
Seiler et al[18], 20111 (bilateral)0° endoscope and electrocautery forceps3 incisions: dorsal incision just proximal to extensor retinaculum along a line between lateral epicondyle and Lister’s tubercle; volar incision made along a line between palmaris longus tendon and biceps tendon, proximal incision made 1 cm distal to the midline of the antecubital fossa, and distal incision at the wrist crease just ulnar to palmaris longus tendon--