Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Oncol. Jun 24, 2024; 15(6): 695-716
Published online Jun 24, 2024. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v15.i6.695
Table 3 Clinico pathological studies
Serial No.
Sample size
    1GBC (50)Her2 neu, p53, p16, survivin, COX-2, and EZH-2 expression associated with GBCGupta et al[115]
    2GBC (200), Dysplasia (32), CC (100)HER-2/neu overexpression seen in patients with GBCJain et al[116]
    3GBC (128)
HER 2 and Ki-67 can be used as a prognostic biomarker for gallbladder carcinomaHalder et al[117]
    4-Combination of ALU247 and cfDNA provides good sensitivity, specificity in diagnosis of GBCKumari et al[118]
    5-Proposed a scoring system for XGCRajaguru et al[119]
    6GBC (34)
Quantitative analysis of cfDNA may aid in early diagnosisKumari et al[120]
    7GBC (39), cholelithiasis (30), and control (25)Overexpression of survivin is associated with poor prognosisNigam et al[121]
    8(GSD, n =30; GBC, n = 39) healthy control (n = 25)Expression of survivin in peripheral blood could be useful both in the diagnosis and prognosis of GBCNigam et al[122]
    9GBC (80)P53 expression is positively correlated with increasing tumor grade, whereas beta-catenin nuclear expression is associated with tumor grade and depth of invasionGhosh et al[123]
    109 case of Squamous cell carcinomaUltrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration is a useful minimally invasive investigation in the preoperative diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladderGupta and Gupta[124]
    11GBC (55), vontrols (8)Assay of CA242, CA19-9, CA15-3, and CA125 can be used as marker of carcinoma of the gallbladderShukla et al[125]
    12GBC (40)Intraoperative bile cytology can be used for diagnosis of in situ and early invasive GBCArora et al[126]