Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Oncol. Jun 24, 2024; 15(6): 695-716
Published online Jun 24, 2024. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v15.i6.695
Table 1 Studies on etiopathogenesis of gall bladder cancer
Serial No.
Sample size
    1GBC (214) controls (214)Biomass burning was recognized as a significant risk factor for GBCShridhar et al[20]
    2GBC (200); Gall stone disease (200) controls (200)Residence in the Gangetic belt, consumption of tea, tobacco, joint family structure, chemical exposure, fried food, and high levels of secondary bile salts are risk factors of GBCJain et al[21]
    3GBC (54)Cholelithiasis is a predisposing factor for GBCBhattacharjee and Nanda[22]
    4GBC (1291)Exposure to high soil arsenic levels and proximity to river ganga are risk factors for GBCMadhawi et al[23]
    5GBC (333)Smoking, cholelithiasis, alcohol consumption, typhoid in the past, post-menopausal women are risk factors for GBCTyagi et al[24]
    6GBC (63)Poor hygiene and water supply, malnutrition, cholelithiasis, tobacco and alcohol consumption are modifiable risk factors for GBCKhan et al[25]
    7GBC (122); controls (122)Education, intake of vitamin C, parity, and type of fuel used were significant factors for GBCPanda et al[26]
    8GBC (49)About 75% of patients diagnosed with GSD showed detectable H. pylori DNA in their gallbladder tissueBansal et al[27]
    9GSD (330)As the stone size increases, gallbladder mucosa changes progress from cholecystitis to carcinomaMathur et al[28]
    10GBC (n = 11), Chronic cholecystitis (n = 23), Xantho-granulomatous cholecystitis (n = 11)The cholesterol content in gallstones of GBC was significantly lower compared to that in benign gallbladder diseasesSrivastava et al[29]
    11GBC (390)Chronic bacterial infection of bile is considered an etiological factor in the development of gallbladder carcinomaSharma et al[30]
    12GSD (101)H. pylori colonizes regions of gastric metaplasia within the gallbladderMisra et al[31]
    13GBC (328); controls (328)Females, consumption of mustard oil, Family history, low socioeconomic status and drinking water from hand pump were the risk factors for GBCKumar et al[32]
    14GBC (27), GSD (196)
High prevalence of salmonella typhi in gall bladder carcinomaVaishnavi et al[33]
    15GBC (38)Higher levels of biliary nitrate associated with the gallbladder carcinogenesisShukla et al[34]
    16GBC (n = 30); controls (n = 30)Decreased levels of selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), and vitamin E are associated with an increased risk of gallbladder carcinomaShukla et al[35]
    17GBC (n = 30); controls (n = 30)Significantly high biliary benzene hexachloride and dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane associated with gallbladder carcinogenesisShukla et al[36]
    18150 GBCGall stones associated with development of metaplastic, dysplastic and neoplastic mucosal changes of gall bladder mucosaGupta et al[37]