Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Clin Oncol. May 24, 2022; 13(5): 376-387
Published online May 24, 2022. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v13.i5.376
Table 1 Structure of postgastrectomy syndrome assessment scale 45 (domains/subdomains/items/subscales)
QOLSF-8 (QOL)1 Physical functioning*Physical component summary* (items 1-8)
2 Role physical*
3 Bodily pain*Mental component summary* (items 1-8)
4 General health*
5 Vitality*
6 Social functioning*
7 Role emotional*
8 Mental health*
SymptomsGSRS (symptoms)9 Abdominal painsEsophageal reflux subscale (items 10, 11, 13, 24)
10 Heartburn
11 Acid regurgitation
12 Sucking sensations in the epigastriumAbdominal pain subscale (items 9, 12, 28)
13 Nausea and vomiting
14 BorborygmusMeal-related distress subscale (items 25-27)
15 Abdominal distension
16 EructationIndigestion subscale (items 14-17)
17 Increased flatusDiarrhea subscale (items 19, 20, 22)
18 Decreased passage of stool
19 Increased passage of stoolConstipation subscale (items 18, 21, 23)
20 Loose stool
21 Hard stoolDumping subscale (items 30, 31, 33)
22 Urgent need for defecation
23 Feeling of incomplete evacuationTotal symptom score (above seven subscales)
Symptoms24 Bile regurgitation
25 Sense of food sticking
26 Postprandial fullness
27 Early satiation
28 Lower abdominal pain
29 Number and type of early dumping symptoms
30 Early dumping general symptoms
31 Early dumping abdominal symptoms
32 Number and type of late dumping symptoms
33 Late dumping symptoms
Living statusMeals (amount) 134 Ingested amount of food per meal*Quality of ingestion subscale* (items 38-40)
35 Ingested amount of food per day*
36 Frequency of main meals
37 Frequency of additional meals
Meals (quality)38 Appetite*
39 Hunger feeling*
40 Satiety feeling*
Meals (amount) 241 Necessity for additional meals
Social activity42 Ability to work
QOLDissatisfaction (QOL)43 Dissatisfaction with symptomsDissatisfaction for daily life subscale (items 43-45)
44 Dissatisfaction at the meals
45 Dissatisfaction at working